190124 Koen Van Gerven 1

Koen Van Gerven : Challenges for a modern bpost.

What was it that makes Bpost a strong company even when transforming since 2003 already? To state the president of ADM, Jan De Schepper: as a CEO Koen bounces back with the words ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’. 

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ADM Board meeting 2018 (4)

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Y-ADM meetup: what can we learn from Gen-Y programmes in other companies?

If you're in charge of running your company's GenY programme this is your chance to connect with colleagues from other organisations and share ideas & best practices on what young people want, how they want it, ...  At the same time, we hope to hear form you what you expect from us in the future!

You always learn something new and you meet new people

Gonda Storms

Senior consultant & Management consultant - Executive Partner, Threon

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How ING moves to a real Engineering Culture

Peter Jacobs (CIO, ING Netherlands) got full attention of our partners and members when talking about agile@ING. ‘Continuous Delivery of Jez Humble’ has been their bible in the agile transformation process.


Inspiring Innovation @ Telenet Innovation Center

‘Collaboration is the key to innovation’. That’s what Ineke Rampart (Director Corporate Affairs) and Rajiv Seesurn (Director Telenet Innovation Center) told us during their presentations at the Telenet Innovation Center. 


License to fail

Are you convinced that failing is something negative? You won’t anymore after these tips! 

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From Image to Imagination: Connect with Christian Reinaudo & Caroline Van Rompuy

New technologies forced Agfa Gevaert to look for other business opportunities in order to expand their reach. The digital challenges that accompanied the necessary shift turned out to be a rewarding effort for IT...

ADM Board meeting

180613 Laurence Schuurman 1

Be inspired by the Young ICT Lady 2018, Laurence Schuurman

What was that famous saying again? "Save the best 'til last"? We're not claiming that this session topped every single one of our great events in the past year, but those present agreed that Laurence Schuurman made sure that this was a memorable closing of another great year at ADM.

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ADM Reception 2018

What a rollercoaster the past twenty years have been. This year’s annual ADM reception, organized around our twentieth anniversary and hosted by VRT’s ravishing presenter Ihsane Chioua Lekhli, was an opportunity for our network to look back and forward.

ADM Board meeting

180607 Social Technologies 1

How Social Technologies can help you create a New Culture

Are Social Technologies and a new business culture a match made in heaven? Our members & partners joined us in De Jachthoorn to get all the answers from Isabel De Clercq, author of "Social Technologies in business"

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Build your business case for an IoT project

"We need an IoT project" is not a good argument when you want to implement IoT in your business. But how do you do it? Where do you start and what do you need to take into account when building a business case? After our first and second sessions on Internet of Things we used this final session to break down the process into 6 steps for our members & partners to follow!

180419 Speedbowling 1 Medium

We're not speeddating, we're speedbowling!

What happens when you put our board members and Y-ADM'ers together in a bowling alley? You get a lot of fun, some excellent bowling and, most of all, some textbook networking. In short; a great evening was had by all at ADM's first ever Speedbowling!

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Let Philippe De Backer guide you through the new GDPR!

If one of your partners, Deloitte, invites your board-members to come and listen to Philippe De Backer, State Secretary for Privacy, it's simply an offer you can't refuse!  Main theme of the session: the unhyped version of the GDPR story that answered one question: What purpose does the GDPR really serve?

ADM Board meeting

180315 Rv Bmicrosoft Ebc 1

ADM Board visit to Microsoft Executive Briefing Center

Following our ADM Board Meeting of 15 March, our Board members were introduced to interesting applications of innovative technologies in the newly renovated Microsoft Executive Briefing Center in the heart of Brussels. 

180308 Ready To Rumble 1 Medium

Are you ready to rumble? Digital Transformation vs Organisational Culture!

Things were heating up at GC De Melkerij! Our members & partners were given controversial quotes, questions, statements on the subject of digital transformation & organisational culture. They picked a side on each of the topics and we put them in the ring to let them "sort out" which side is right.

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GDPR demystified for business & marketing

Lots of questions and tons of answers during our ADM session on the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)! The deadline of 25 May is fast approaching so Kaat Van Delm (Allen & Overy) & Frank Van den Bossche (Quadrant Communications) took the time to demistify the dreaded GDPR for our members & partners.

Much of our innovative work was inspired by experiences shared at ADM

Gert Vanhaecht

CIO Belfius

180208 Kinepolis 1 Medium

Connect with Eddy Duquenne (CEO) and Bjorn Van Reet (CIO) of Kinepolis

It's all about the customer at Kinepolis! Bjorn Van Reet & Eddy Duquenne welcomed us in "De Loft" to share their views on how to make a business like Kinepolis successful in this digital age and what it means to be a CIO & CEO.

180118 Rhinos 1 Medium

Connected Conservation: Saving the rhino!

Did you know that every 8 hours a rhino is killed! Dimension Data has stepped in to help by launching the Connected Conservation project in a private reserve. Over the span of two years they have reduced the number of killed rhino's to 0 within the reserve! Ruth Rowan ( Global CMO & Group Executive - Marketing at Dimension Data) joined us at Afspanning De Jachthoorn to share their incredible story! 

ADM Board meeting

171205 Brainstorm Young Adm 1 Medium

Build the "Young ADM" with us!

What happens when you put our Young ADM professionals in one room? They generate great ideas for new ADM sessions! 

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Creating IOT Product-Service-Systems

How do you implement IoT in your own organisation? Where do you begin? Under the guidance of three experts our members & partners gathered at the AE headquarters for a great workshop where all those questions and more were answered!

171106 Start Ups 1 Medium

Connect with Start-Ups & Ronnie Leten @CORDA campus

CORDA houses over 200 great scale-ups & starters on their campus in Hasselt. Our partners & members were invited to meet a few of them together with Ronnie Leten (ex-Atlas Copco) and they were not left wanting!

171012 Io T 1 Medium

The business impact of IoT

The internet of things (IoT) is one of the more recent buzzwords in ICT, so obviously we at ADM want to inform our members & partners on the what, the where and the how. This session gave us just that.

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Be part of the 'young ADM'!

"A warm, welcoming and familiar environment!"  & "ADM is a perfect place to network for a young professional!" were only a few of the positive remarks given by our young participants on 5 October. We gave them the chance to meet a few of the ADM board members and discover the true meaning of our tagline "Share & Connect". 

Showing 190–216 of 277 past activities.