171205 Brainstorm Young Adm 22 Medium
171205 Brainstorm Young Adm 33 Medium
171205 Brainstorm Young Adm 20 Medium
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5 December, 2017
18:30 - 22:00 h

Afspanning De Jachthoorn

Doornstraat 11
2550  Kontich

Parking is available at Afspanning De Jachthoorn. Please do not leave any valuables in your car!

Detailed information on how to travel to "De Jachthoorn" can be found on their website.

Build the "Young ADM" with us!

A bright future for the "Young ADM"!

What happens when you put our Young ADM professionals in one room? They generate great ideas for new ADM sessions! 

171205 Brainstorm Young Adm 1 Medium

The session was lead by dinobuster Nancy De Vogelaere & Yorick Van Hoeymissen (Project Manager Young ADM). Using the "Golden Circle" by Simon Sinek they challenged the participants to think about WHY they need the ADM network. Want to learn more about the "Golden Circle"? Head over to the Related tab for the video used during the brainstorm.

171205 Brainstorm Young Adm 18 Medium 171205 Brainstorm Young Adm 17 Medium 171205 Brainstorm Young Adm 22 Medium

After getting our Young ADM'ers in the right mindset we divided them into smaller groups to think about the kind of ADM they want to be a part of. They didn't just brainstorm about subjects for new sessions, but about everything else as well; the timing and frequency of events, new formats for future sessions, what communication to use to reach as many participants as possible etc.  And the results were simply amazing! We're not going to spoil the surprise by sharing all their ideas right here, but be sure to keep an eye out for our Calendar where we'll be publishing the new event-ideas very soon!

Relive the session

Be sure to head over to the Pictures tab and have a look at the pictures that were taken during the event.

Want to learn more on the "Golden Circle" theory by Simon Sinek? Head over to the Related tab for the video.

Did you now you can follow us Instagram during events? Just follow ADMShareConnect & you don't have to miss a thing, even if you're not there yourself! Here's the instastory of this session:

Sign in to view the video.



Welcome & registration




Brainstorm on the future of ADM with Nancy De Vogelaere (Dinobusters)


Networking drink



Learn more about the "Golden Circle" theory by Simon Sinek in this short video that was used during the session:

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