12 October, 2017
18:00 - 22:00 h
Brasserie A-Mano
Antwerpsesteenweg 96
Parking is available at Brasserie A-Mano. If the parking is full, alternative parking space is available at "Van Reeth Hoefkens" (VRH); Antwerpsesteenweg 88, 2840 Rumst.
Please do not leave any valuables in your car!
Public transport
Take the train to "Mechelen" station. Outside the trainstation take bus 500 (direction "Antwerpen Zuid") on busplatform 10. Exit the bus at "Rumst Vosberg" station. Walk +/-1,5 km to Brasserie A-Mano.
The business impact of IoT

The internet of things (IoT) is one of the more recent buzzwords in ICT, so obviously we at ADM want to inform our members & partners on the what, the where and the how. This session gave us just that.
Hans Tubbax from the Thomas More Hogeschool first shared his views on the more theoretical and technical aspects, then 7 companies presented cases from their business environments.
The examples from many different industries touched on advantages of IoT for both suppliers and customers: connecting "everything" to the internet can deliver interesting data for companies who deploy applications. These data can be used to indicate the customer's wishes and expectations and can help to incrementally improve customer experience, both in B2B and B2C scenarios. Another way of using the collected data lies in identifying the state of connected devices and their need for corrective or preventive maintenance. This in turn helps in setting up new business scenarios, where a customer does not own a tool or piece of equipment, but instead purchases a service.
This session was the first of three IoT sessions this year. If you want to learn more on IoT & how it can help your business grow then be sure to subscribe to the second (Creating IoT Product-Service-Systems) and third IoT session (IoT in practice).
Relive the session!
Be sure to head over to the Pictures tab and have a look at the pictures that were taken during the event.
Learn more about the cases! Head over to the Related tab to download the presentations that were given by all the speakers;
- Open presentations
- Case "Devices at your fingertips" by Stijn Degrieck (Codit)
- Case "Connecting Things with People and Processes" by Frederik Op De Beeck (SAP)
- Case "Aquadraat: Connected rain & waste water management" by Caroline Van Cauwelaert (Bagaar)
- Case "Connected bikes" by Gert Pauwels (Orange)
- Closed presentations (only available for members after login)
- Presentation "The business impact of IoT" by Hans Tubbax (Thomas More Hogeschool)
- Case "KBC Smarthome" by Katrien Tuerlinckx (KBC verzekeringen)
- Case "Smart Factory Journey at Faurecia" by Mithun Varghese (Capgemini)
- Cases as presented by Stefan De Schuyter (Hewlett Packard Enterprise):
- Case for Kaeser Kompressoren: "Air-as-a-Service"
- Case for Philips Healthcare: "Predictive analytics on machine data"
- Case for MSC Cruises: "Mobile engagement & footfall analytics"
Our Social Media Manager, Mic Adam, has taken the time to compile your tweets/photos in this handy Storify to sum up this event in your own words:
Welcome & Registration
Introduction by ADM
"The business impact of IoT" by Hans Tubbax (Researcher - Thomas More Hogeschool)
Pecha Kucha-style cases on IoT from different sectors
Networking drink
Case "Devices at your fingertips" by CoditCase as presented by Stijn Degrieck (Codit) |
1.768 MB |
Case "Connecting Things with People and Processes" by SAPCase as presented by Frederik Op De Beeck (SAP) |
8.594 MB |
Case "Aquadraat: Connected rain & waste water management" by BagaarCase as presented by Caroline Van Cauwelaert (Bagaar) |
1.582 MB |
Case "Connected bikes" by OrangeCase as presented by Gert Pauwels (Orange) |
1.363 MB |
ADM members have access to other (member-restricted) documents after signing in into the website