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18 September, 2017
18:00 - 21:30 h

Salons van Edel

Terbekehofdreef 13
2610  Wilrijk (Antwerpen)

Parking space is available at the eventsite or in the neighbouring street (Terbekehof, Wilrijk). 

Don't leave any valuables in your car!

Public transport

There are several options:

  • Take the train to Mechelen 
    • Take Bus 500 (direction "Antwerpen-Zuid) outside the trainstation
    • Exit at busstop "Wilrijk Terbekehofdreef" (+/- 1h10min)
    • Walk to Salons van Edel (+/-500m)
  • Take the train to Antwerpen-Berchem
    • Take bus 21 (direction "Aartselaar Aquafin") outside the trainstation
    • Exit at busstop "Wilrijk Edenplein" (+/- 25min)
    • Walk to Salons van Edel (+/- 1,1km)

De Lijn routeplanner

Connect with the Manager of the Year, Bart De Smet

September has arrived and with it the start of our 20th ADM year. We kicked off the new year with a bang; Trends' manager of the year, Bart De Smet joined us to share his values and keys to success.

Don't feel like reading? Check out the videoreport on this session below.

Amplifiers improve productivity & increase the fan-level.

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Traditionally, the new ADM year was kicked off by our chairman, Jan De Schepper. 2017-2018 is going to be a big year at ADM, and Jan started off by sharing our new ADM logo, celebrating our 20th anniversary.

This of course wasn't the only thing Jan wanted to share with our members and partners. During a short presentation he elaborated on how the new organisational model is networked with amplifiers installed everywhere in the company.  

Amplifiers apply our ‘share & connect’ value and in a proactive feedback loop while ‘making’ things happen. They tackle productivity decrease by implementing ‘collaboration’ in their teams. Simplification and de-layering help to ‘do less with more’ resulting in an increase of the fan-level. In other words; an amplifier is someone who is able help others work together, make them more productive and making them better in general.
The main task of the CEO is to cast and compose his team and make them better. His brain contains much more connections enabling him to excel as an amplifier. The amplifier shows 4 major behavioral skills: decisiveness – reliability – impact – proactivity. Our main speaker, Bart De Smet is an obvious example of an amplifier.

Happiness is not about doing what you like, but liking what you do!

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Next up was our main speaker; Manager of the year, Bart De Smet. During an open interview with our very own Marina De Moerlooze, Bart took the time to share his views on how to be a successful manager.

Interaction with people is the most important element in the day-to-day job of Bart. Linking the strengths of the past with the ideas of today and the vision of tomorrow creates innovative ideas. Ageas’ strength is not only in its teams but most of all in its internal challenges. The C2C (Closer to the Customer) project generated 365 ideas in only a few days. 
Employees are close to the company. This was reflected in the employee satisfaction survey with high scores for ‘happy employees’.  By the way: happiness is not doing what you like but liking what you do. Bart has surrounded himself with a complementary team and gets respect by showing it. He is very grateful to his mentors Karel Van Rompuy, Walter Van Pottelberge and Jozef De Mey.

Relive the session

Be sure to head over to the Pictures tab and have a look at the pictures that were taken during the event.

Want to learn more on Bart De Smet becoming Manager of the year? Head over to the Related tab & read all about it!

Our Social Media Manager, Mic Adam, has taken the time to compile your tweets in this handy Storify to sum up this event in your own words. (see below)

Don't feel like reading? Relive this session with our videoreport:(see below)

[View the story "Connect with the Manager of the Year, Bart De Smet" on Storify]
Sign in to view the video.



Welcome & registration


Introduction by Jan De Schepper (Chairman ADM)


Interview with Manager of the year, Bart De Smet (Ageas)


Q & A


Networking drink



Want to learn more on Bart De Smet being granted the Manager of the year award by the readers & jury of Trends? Read all about it here.

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