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8 February, 2018
18:30 - 22:00 h

De Loft - Kinepolis Antwerpen

Groenendaallaan 394
2030  Antwerpen

Use the main entrance of the Kinepolis movie theater to get to "De Loft". Look for our flags & logo to guide you!
Parking is available at the eventsite. Please do not leave any valuables in your car!

Public transport

Take the train to Antwerp Central Station. From there on Kinepolis can be reached with Tram 6 (exit at stop "Antwerpen Kinepolis").

De Lijn routeplanner

Connect with Eddy Duquenne (CEO) and Bjorn Van Reet (CIO) of Kinepolis 

Kinepolis: A story about innovation & customer centricity!

It's all about the customer at Kinepolis! Bjorn Van Reet & Eddy Duquenne welcomed us in "De Loft" to share their views on how to make a business like Kinepolis successful in this digital age and what it means to be a CIO & CEO.

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It's been a wonderful year at Kinepolis Group; in October 2017 Bjorn Van Reet was crowned CIO of the Year by Datanews ànd Eddy Duquenne (CEO, Kinepolis Group) got his third consecutive nomination for the prestigious Manager of the Year award by Trends Magazine.

Of course it was a very fruitful year for Kinepolis as well. Acquisitions, innovations, transformation into a multimedia organisation, to name a few. We were anxious to learn from Bjorn & Eddy how – and also what, when, why – was at the basis of Kinepolis’ (and their own) successes.

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During a very open hearted interview, Eddy & Bjorn answered tons of questions on very different subjects (e.g. their leadership styles, their vision on the future of Kinepolis, what they do to constantly improve customer experience etc.). And our participants learned a lot of impressive facts about the multimedia organisation. For example; Did you know that no human is involved in over 70% of the ticketsales? Ticketsales are Kinepolis' pride & joy and even that is something that they constantly re-evaluate and try to improve upon.

Relive the session!

Be sure to head over to the Pictures tab and have a look at the pictures that were taken during the event.

Want to learn more about Eddy Duquenne & Bjorn Van Reet? Head over to the Related tab for some interesting articles on both of them!

Don't feel like reading? Relive this session with our videoreport:(see below)

Sign in to view the video.



Welcome & registration


Introduction by ADM


Interview with Manager of the Year Nominee, Eddy Duquenne (CEO, Kinepolis Group) & CIO of the Year, Bjorn Van Reet (CIO, Kinepolis Group)


Q & A


Networking drink



Want to learn more about Eddy Duquenne? Read this article on his nomination as Manager of the Year by Trends!

Here's a great article on everything you need to know about Bjorn Van Reet. Learn more about Bjorn winning the CIO of the Year award in this article.

ADM members have access to other (member-restricted) documents after signing in into the website

Don't feel like reading? Relive this session with our videoreport:

Sign in to view the video.