180301 Gdpr 13 Medium
180301 Gdpr 6 Medium
180301 Gdpr 27 Medium
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1 March, 2018
12:30 - 18:15 h

Business Faculty

Sint-Lendriksborre 6
1120  Brussels

All information on travelling by car, train, bus etc. can be found on the website of Business Faculty.

GDPR demystified for business & marketing

Prepare yourself: the GDPR is coming!

Lots of questions and tons of answers during our ADM session on the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)! The deadline of 25 May is fast approaching so Kaat Van Delm (Allen & Overy) & Frank Van den Bossche (Quadrant Communications) took the time to demistify the dreaded GDPR for our partners & members.

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The session was opened by Kaat Van Delm (Allen & Overy). During her presentation she successfully set the scene for our topic; GDPR! After a short introduction on what the GDPR is she elaborated on the core principles, and gave the participants some great tips & to do's in order to prepare for the new regulation. Want to learn more? Head over to the related tab to download the full presentation as given by Kaat.

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Our second speaker of the day was Frank Van den Bossche (Quadrant Communications). While Kaat's presentation mainly focussed on giving a general introduction on the GDPR, Frank went deeper and completely focussed on what to prepare for from a Business & Marketing point of view. He did this by focussing on what to prepare for in emailmarketing, website, tools & paperwork! 

Relive the session!

Be sure to head over to the Pictures tab and have a look at the pictures that were taken during the event.

Want to learn more on the presentation that was given by Kaat Van Delm? You can download it at Related tab.

Want to learn even more on the GDPR? We've put together an interesting list of links for you to dive in to at the Related tab!

Did you know you can follow us on Instagram during events? Just follow ADMShareConnect & you don't have to miss a thing, even if you're not there yourself! Here's the instastory of this session:

Sign in to view the video.



Welcome & registration


Introduction by ADM


"What does the GDPR mean exactly?" by Kaat Van Delm (Allen & Overy)


"Everything you need to know about GDPR from a Business & Marketing perspective" by Frank Van den Bossche (Quadrant Communications) - Part 1




"Everything you need to know about GDPR from a Business & Marketing perspective" by Frank Van den Bossche (Quadrant Communications) - Part 2


Q & A


Networking drink



Useful websites and links

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