
Get the most out of Thola

How to boost your online networking in Thola

Y Adm

ADM Y-Board 2020 (3)

Front Images Link

Quick, effective and participatory decision making

Or: how objections are actually gifts...

Ff 02

The best ways of sharing content on LinkedIn

Discover how to post as a pro on LinkedIn!

Connexion 01

Jan De Schepper: ConneXion

A must read for leaders and everyone that wants to make better results!

Netwerken Erna

ADM Ambassador Meeting

We welcomed our ADM Ambassadors!

Speednetworking 03

Y Speed Networking

The speed networking session of our young community

Birds Picture

Engage your audience during online sessions

An interactive, fun session with great tips from Darek!

ADM offers a platform that allows people to exchange their views on business and digitalization

Ronny Depoortere

Sr. Vice-President, Zetes

Y-Ambassador Brainstorming

Read the results of our first Y-Ambassador Brainstorming

ADM "Share & Connect" e-reception

ADM's very first e-reception and e-networking!

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ADM Board meeting 2020 (3)

ADM Y-Board 2020 (2)

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Y-ADM online speeddating

Online speeddating: it was a new experience for our Y-ADM members, but they all admitted it worked!

2018 03 27 Nancy Vermeulen9985 Web 1

ONLINE: Nancy Vermeulen (Private Astronaut Trainer & Space Ambassador)

Nancy Vermeulen about her fascination for space, about passion and daring to go your own way, about women and STEM.. 


Hans D'Hondt : Technology as a major driver for improving public administration.

FPS Finance - just like any other modern company : no ICT is the same as no electricity. 

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ADM Board meeting 2020 (2)


ONLINE: High quality & effective collaboration

Psychological safety is the basis of good teamwork - and how to create such an environment? Dieter Dehaes & Sara Leysen (iLean) explained it!

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ONLINE: How governance became digital overnight

Board meetings & parliamentary proceedings have changed in the last few weeks. Christian Leysen will discuss the impact on the future of business and public governance. 



How much do you know about ADM? Take the test here (as we did during the online event on 20 May!)


ONLINE: Tips & Tricks: Zoom

Latest update on how to use ZOOM and use it safely. 

ADM Y-Board meeting

Visual By Kristof Braekeleire

ONLINE: Arnaud Bacros: The Future of Work

Three differentiators for your business in the future: Better digital skills, more diverse teams and human-robot collaboration. 


ONLINE: Tips & Tricks: MS Teams

How to use tools like MS Teams correctly? During this session, NTT shared useful tips and tricks for MS Teams with us.


ONLINE: Rudi Peeters: Never waste a good crisis

Is Corona a crisis or the beginning of a transformation?

Being a member of ADM is not an Average Daily Membership, it is a great experience expansion

Mic Adam

CEO Vanguard Leadership

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ONLINE: "Kom DIGITAAL uit je kot!"

Find out how spending only 15 minutes a day helps you to keep your network "warm" via LinkedIn. 

Stephane Layhaye

ONLINE : Communicating in COVID-19 times - HPE Case

Stephane Lahaye (HPE) The way companies respond to today's crisis defines their future success. 


ONLINE : "New way of working" is the "new normal"

The world needs people with inspiration, motivation, external orientation, connection & digitalisation in times of crisis, explains Jan De Schepper during thefirst online ADM event. 

Showing 136–162 of 280 past activities.