• Webinar

28 January, 2021
16:30 - 17:30 h

  • Presentation: NL
  • Q&A: NL EN FR

Expert Group - Privacy & Security 

Members only

Upon request of members who have been with us for many years, we re-introduce the Expert groups (“werkgroepen”) starting with the topic “Privacy & (cyber)security”.


Sharing information or experiences and discussing with peers outside of your company what’s on your mind is enriching and can help people to gain knowledge, to meet business partners you did not know well before. 

For whom?

Inherent to the word, the sessions are meant for EXPERTS in the field, for this group we are looking for Experts/managers/consultants/... in the field of Privacy & (cyber)security.

Objective of these sessions?

Participants contribute to the discussion, to the content, to an outcome – the sessions are not meant as “sit back and listen” moments! The outcome of the Expert group sessions is to share the information with our non-expert members. This could be through an info session, a ‘Friday’s Five’ (short tips and tricks session), a paper…  in order to create a higher awareness for the topics of Privacy and (cyber)security with all our members.


How the group functions, what specific topics they want to address, what the outcome will be... that’s the decision of the participants.


Register on this page for the first brainstorming meeting (online) during which we create the basic outline for the weeks to come.  

Programme manager

Peter Berghmans

Lecturer Security Thomas More Mechelen & CEO at Data Protection Institute

You will receive the link to the online session on the morning of the event.

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