• Webinar
  • Leadership
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20 March, 2025
11:45 - 12:30 h

  • Presentation: NL
  • Slides: EN
  • Q&A: NL EN FR

Presenting convincingly online. How (not) to do it.

About this session

During the Corona period, we all turned to online meetings and communication. We had to. However, the quality of how we communicated online often left much to be desired.

Meanwhile, years passed. Corona is already years behind us. All too often, however, the quality of our online communication remains questionable. Marc Lambotte talks about what needs to improve and how we can do it. He explains how online communication can support (rather than undermine) your (personal) brand, and how leaders can become better at motivating and convincing others.

Marc Lambotte earned his stripes as a CEO, a lecturer and a top speaker. His experience in sales, marketing, leadership and communication creates a cocktail that many find inspiring. His insights are often challenging and regularly confrontational. His guiding principle is to provide a solution for every problem he raises. As Managing Partner of Purusha Academy, he teaches people how to address, convince and motivate others.


Foto Marc Lambotte

Marc Lambotte, Managing Partner Purusha Academy

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