

190124 Koen Van Gerven 1

Koen Van Gerven : Challenges for a modern bpost.

What was it that makes Bpost a strong company even when transforming since 2003 already? To state the president of ADM, Jan De Schepper: as a CEO Koen bounces back with the words ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’. 

190202 We Go Stem Coder Dojo 1

D.I.Y. : coding = child's play!

During a very special weekend session our members were introduced to CoderDojo and WeGoSTEM, 2 organisations who work tirelessly to help children develop their STEM-skills. It was a very hands-on session where the children were the teachers: they helped our members take their first programming steps!


Y ADM taskforce 1

A great & fruitful night was had by all the young professionals who joined us at BDO Crossroad. Together they took the first steps in creating a blueprint for Young Talent Communities everywhere.

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Enhancing your (clients') customer experience

The sky is the limit when it comes to increasing the (internal and external) customer experience. Technology and the help of good business partners can help you move towards a more efficient business, engaged employees and happy customers!

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ADM Board meeting 2019 (1)

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Connect with John Porter, CEO Telenet

Staying one step ahead of the digital times

An objective that Telenet has in common with all participants of our session with John Porter, CEO Telenet after our Board Meeting of February. 

Being a member of ADM is not an Average Daily Membership, it is a great experience expansion

Mic Adam

CEO Vanguard Leadership

190312 Werkplekspel 1

Digital collaboration changes human interaction

The new ways of working ask for a different approach to your employees. During this session brainmove guided our members & partners through this process. By guiding us through the "Workplace game" they explained what’s important to keep in mind when implementing the new way of working.

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Y ADM taskforce 2

After the first successfull session with our young professionals, they gathered again at BDO Crossroad headquarters to continue working on a blueprint for Young Talent Communities everywhere. 

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ADM Reception 2019

This year’s reception focused on ‘Digital Business is HUMAN’. Technological progress may be fantastic, in the end it's all about the applications that go along with it and its impact on human being. The 4 keynote’s of the evening showed how digitalization makes people’s lives better.

Y ADM taskforce 3

After the first and second great session with our Y ADM taskforce it's time to really get down to business and take concrete steps to implement the ideal Gen-Y programme!

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The Port of the Future is Connected

The cases presented by NxtPort and DP World Antwerp confirmed it: there is a huge untapped potential for all parties in the Antwerp Port to work more (cost)-efficiently when sharing data and taking down the silo’s between them.  

Y ADM taskforce 4

Last session before D-day on 13/06

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ADM Board meeting 2019 (2)

Y Community Buildingblocks

How to set-up a Y-Community in your company?

The format of a Y-Community is not important - it can be very informal or very formal. As long as it fits the company culture, it will be a valuable contributor to the job satisfaction of the (young) employees, ànd consequently to their productivity. The Y-ADM experts defined 9 building blocks to help you set-up a Y-community!

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Become a better networker

At ADM, we know networking is a key part of business.  Although some people are naturally outgoing, which helps them be a good networker, nearly everyone can use some tips and tricks to become better.

Ceo Aso

“Vive le vélo” – Innovation in Action

Discover how A.S.O (the organisation behind Tour de France) enhances fan experience with the help of the NTT technology team. 

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ADM Board meeting 2019 (3)

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Connect with the Manager of the year, Johan Thijs (CEO, KBC)

Johan Thijs left the audience amazed with his incredible speech about how KBC faces the digital challenges.


How listening to your customers defines your own organisation

"But what do your clients need?" Vink is proof that listening to your customers and employees is the key to successfully implement (digital) change. 

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6 Batteries of Change

Technology only will make the transformation of your business NOT successful

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Discover how big data and art are connected

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Y-ADM brainstorming

How to engage generation Y in ADM activities and decision making process.

Going to ADM sessions is like coming home because of the great bond you create with the other professionals you meet.

Suki Maesen

IS/IT Program Manager Cloud for Customer, Atlas Copco

Egopreneur 03


Stand your ground in a complex digital world with Paul Van Den Bosch, writer of "Egopreneur".

Visual Presentations 51

Express yourself clearly – Draw it!

We rocked the final event of 2019!

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ADM Board meeting 2019 (4)

The importance of our identity (card) and how Zetes (the producer of our ID cards, Driver licenses and Passports) makes sure our identity is protected to a maximum.