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Wf Adm Kbc Brussel 14
Wf Adm Kbc Brussel 103
Wf Adm Kbc Brussel 63
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11 September, 2019
18:30 - 21:30 h

  • Presentation: NL
  • Slides: ENG
  • Q&A: NL/FR/ENG


Havenlaan 2
1080  Brussel


Accessible via Opzichterstraat. You can find a detailed route description to the Entrance here.

Connect with the Manager of the year, Johan Thijs (CEO, KBC)

The new academic year at ADM couldn’t get a better start… Johan Thijs, Manager of the Year 2018, welcomed our partners and members in his headquarters. Moreover, he addressed us with a dazzling speech that kept the public literally speechless…

New competition and the ever evolving customer

The dynamic CEO of KBC Group focuses on customer centricity. But he is not satisfied yet…  The operational efficiency and customer service need to increase. Only then will KBC become more agile while decision taking will be enhanced. The organisation will be adapted as to launch new products in a shorter period of time.

The financial sector is in a huge digital transformation. Competition to the traditional banking institutions comes from new players in the market such as the ‘technology boys’ Google, Facebook, Apple and others. These guys have adapted themselves to the more demanding customer that expects a user friendly, seamless service and swift decision taking. 

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KBC responds to digital transformation

KBC’s reply to this is not only to learn from the new kids on the block, they open up their channels to new activities: why not use the KBC-App when entering a parking or to buy your public vouchers? There are huge opportunities when opening up their platforms to new applications. And don’t forget: data is the new electricity, dixit Johan Thijs… Already in 2014 they invested half a billion in the integration and analysis of customer data.

So what about the workforce? Can all members of personnel keep their current job and what will be the impact of the digital transformation to their activities… It is also a KBC-tradition to keep the workforce in mind and to prepare several ways forward. Currently an AI-driven learning and talent platform is developed. It will map the current competences with future needs accompanied by training and knowledge sessions. There will be a reshuffle: some jobs disappear but many new jobs are needed. 

My preference goes to ‘realise’ instead of ‘promise’ - Johan Thijs

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While other players in the financial sector look for expansion or slimming due to the crisis, Johan Thijs grasps the opportunity of the digital transition to change the bank with his famous quote: "if you continue doing what you did in the past, within short you are a dead man walking". Cutting costs by dismissing people and not changing your organisation is not an option. As a responsible company you have to change and adapt while everything goes well. 

It was an honor and a pleasure to hear this top leader explaining the achievements, his dreams and daily challenges. 95% of the people present quoted the event ‘best ever’. 



Welcome & registration


Opening of the new ADM working year
Jan De Schepper - Chairman ADM 


Banking in a digital world
Johan Thijs, CEO KBC Group


Q & A


What can you expect from ADM in the coming year?
Ingrid Hoffman, General Manager ADM


Networking reception

Sorry the presentation by Johan Thijs can not be made available. 

Interesting reads: KBC company presentation

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