• Networking
Egopreneur 11
Egopreneur 16
Egopreneur 15
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26 November, 2019
18:15 - 21:45 h

  • Presentation: NL
  • Slides: EN
  • Q&A: NL EN FR

De Jachthoorn

Doornstraat 11
2550  Kontich

You can use the parking spaces available at De Jachthoorn. Make sure not to leave any valuables in your car.


Many people today don't tend to listen to themselves. They are so busy working, going without stopping, that they forget to take time for themselves. And that is why we get stuck. We get tired and lack energy.

This is exactly the reason why Paul Van Den Bosch wrote his book "Egopreneur". "Ego" is Latin for 'I' or 'me'. In our society, words with "ego" have a negative connotation (a big ego, egocentric, egoism,…), but Paul wants us to focus on our 'me' in a positive way. 

An egopreneur takes care of himself/herself. You can only take care of others, when you take care of yourself first of all. If you look after yourself, you'll recuperate faster, are less tired and are able to step out of your comfort zone.

Egopreneur 03

You do this by focusing on three pillars:

Get enough sleep: No less than 8 hours of sleep. It has been proven to drastically reduce the chance of making mistakes or getting injured.

Exercise: You don't need to start a sport or start training intensively. You only need to move more. If you move, walk or exercise 10 minutes, three times a day, your body can deal with the stress you encounter.

Eat healthy: Skip the refined sugars and the high calorie intake, and you'll have less energy dips and a better focus.

Want more information?

Do you want to learn more about how to take care of yourself? Get your own copy of "Egopreneur" here.

Visit our Related tab for some interesting links and articles, or go to the Pictures tab to relive the evening.



Welcome & registration


Opening & intro
Jan De Schepper - Chairman ADM


Paul Van Den Bosch




Networking drink

Visit Paul Van Den Bosch's website: https://www.actlikeacoach.be/nl/

Get a copy of "Egopreneur: https://www.lannoo.be/nl/egopreneur

Interesting articles:

ADM members have access to other (member-restricted) documents after signing in into the website

Egopreneur by Paul Van Den Bosch: event recap

Paul Van Den Bosch shares four tips on how to take care of yourself

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