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12 November, 2019
18:15 - 10:00 h

  • Presentation: NL
  • Slides: NL

BDO Crossroad

Schaliënhoevedreef 20/H
2800  Mechelen

Y-ADM brainstorming

On invitation only
Yadmbrain1 8

Young generations are the future (we know, it's corny, but it's true). That is why ADM wants to involve Gen-Y in the strategy and future of ADM itself. Therefore, we organised our first Y-ADM brainstorming. Several Gen-Y employees of our partners joined the session. The topic: how can we engage/involve Gen-Y more in ADM?

The first brainstorming was one of many interesting ideas within several important domains.

The overall outcome of the session: our young professionals need to have a voice, some sort of young counsel or board. During the next sessions, we will further define this entity, this voice.


What does a Y-ADM brainstorming look like? Head over to the Pictures tab and get the feeling.



Welcome drink with sandwiches


Start discussion session




Discussion session & brainstorming


Networking drink