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12 March, 2019
13:30 - 18:30 h

Microsoft België

Brussels National Airport - Passport Building


Parking 2 of the airport

Digital collaboration changes human interaction

NWOW: to be able to work at home and feel at home at work

The new ways of working ask for a different approach to your employees. During this session brainmove guided our members & partners through this process. By guiding us through the "Workplace game" they explained what’s important to keep in mind when implementing the new way of working.

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The perfect work-life balance is more important than ever, organizations are striving to find and to keep as many employees as possible by making their organization attractive. You have to be able to work at home and to feel at home at work. Digitalization is constantly changing our working environment. These new ways of working ask for a different approach to your employees. During this session brainmove explained what’s important to keep in mind when implementing the new way of working. There are four important aspects you have to be aware of when working human centered:  

  • Working dynamic & flexible
  • Sharking knowledge
  • Results orientated
  • Independent of time and place 
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Your new working environment has to reward the behaviour of your employees and has to make the right behaviour attractive. When working in a library for example, being silent is rewarded. Before behaviour becomes embedded, you have to set a good example yourself. As a leader you have “walk the talk” if you want others to do the same. Leadership changes a lot when changing your way of working. Result-oriented work asks for an open communication and a based-trust relationship between the members of the team.

During this session, we played the Workplace Game. This game – made by the Center for People and Buildings – makes a discussion about behaviour in your working environment possible. In a playful way you can talk about which behaviour is needed according to you and listen to what others would do in that kind of situation. The game provides statements about teleworking, use of workstations, communication… 

NWOW in practice: The new Microsoft offices

It wasn't just all fun and games for our participants during this event. Microsoft opened it's doors and gave us an exclusive look into it's brand new offices. There, our members & partners were able to see the effect of implementing NWOW into practice.

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Relive the session

Be sure to head over to the Pictures tab on this page to get a better impression of this afternoon event.

Head over to the Related tab to download the presentation as given by Thomas De Spiegelaere & Evy Adam (Brainmove). Want to learn even more on this topic? Great! On the related top you'll also find a bunch of other articles & interesting links to get you started!



Registration / welcome coffee


Welcome - Ingrid Hoffman, ADM


Setting the scene: why is the working place a strategic part of "the new way of working" ? - Anton Maes, Brainmove


"Het werkplekspel" - Thomas De Spiegelaere - Brainmove
We play the game in small groups in order to exchange a maximum of experience. 


Networking Drink



Discover more about this session and it's contents:

  • Discover more on the company and people who guided you through this session: Brainmove
  • Learn more about the workplace game from the institute that developed it, the Center for People and Buildings (CFPB):
  • Interesting read: various reports on workplace, collaboration etc on the Leesman website (as mentioned in the presentation)
  • More info on the Jobs-Demand model by Karasek (as mentioned in the presentation)
  • Learn more about the Allen Curve (as mentioned in the presentation)

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