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13 June, 2019
18:15 - 22:15 h


Maurits Sabbestraat 123
2800  Mechelen

Parking is available across the Total gas station - Parking is marked with "Wagenoord" signalisation

GPS Parking: Oscar Van Kesbeeckstraat 43, 2800

Public transport

There are two bus stations close to the event location:

Station 1: Oscar Van Kesbeeckstraat 
Frequency traffic: 20’ Frequency during the day: 30’.
Distance to event location: 20 meters

Station 2: Maurits Sabbestraat
Frequency: 15’.
Distance to event location: 150 meters

De Lijn routeplanner

How to set-up a Y-Community in your company?

Y Community Buildingblocks

A Y-Community in your company? There are only advantages!

The format of a Y-Community is not important - it can be very informal or very formal. As long as it fits the company culture, it will be a valuable contributor to the job satisfaction of the (young) employees, ànd consequently to their productivity.  That was the conclusion of the Y-ADM experts. They defined 9 building blocks to help you set-up a Y-community!

During our brainstorming session in November 2018 on how to companies organise their Y-community, it was obvious that everybody had a different way to go about, had different experiences .. That lead to the idea to assemble these best practices in order to inspire others. 

Four evening working sessions filled with many ideas and discussion later, the hero's* of the ADM session on 13 June presented the building blocks that they identified and that can help a company to set up a Y-community. 

The most important conclusion of group though is that it does not matter how the community is organised, as long as it works for the (young) employees. In all examples it is clear that the company culture is reflected in the way the Y-community is set up and managed. 

On the "related" tab on this page, you will find the powerpoint of the evening, a write-up of the whole presentation. 

* big THANK YOU to Tessy Martens (BDO Crossroad), Nick Muylaert en Stéphanie Verhaegen (Capgemini), Sanne Vermeiren (Cegeka), Juan Kerremans (Signify), Christophe Cresens & Marijke Verhaegen (Worldline) for this session, all their time and effort .. and especially for the fun!




Registration & welcome drink

  • Presentation 
  • Q&A
  • Discussion




On this page you will find:

  1. The presentation given during the session 
  2. An  article (in Dutch) summarizing the content of the presentation 
  3. The "quiz" "How Y-friendly is your company culture
  4. The video testimonials by managers and youngsters as shown during the session. 

ADM members have access to other (member-restricted) documents after signing in into the website

Testimonials on the advantage of having a Y-Community within the company

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