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The Social Cure: from connection to health

Why social engagement is beneficial for your health.


The LinkedIn Algorithm

The secret formula unveiled...

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Connect with Stephane Berghmans, CEO Technopolis

How Technopolis is transforming into a smart building.

Hardware Care

Hardware care tips for every professional

How to really care for your (professional) devices

From "ABBA to ZAPPA", ADM offers the full package!

Stefaan Hermans

IT & Digital Technology & Contact Centre Director, Carglass


Mercy Ships visit

Visit to new Global Mercy with the members of the board

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Round table: the sustainable office

What small items can we implement to evolve towards a more sustainable organization?

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Mentorship program: Midterm

Reunion for mentors and mentees from the ADM Mentorship Program after the first 6 months

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Business Challenge: Bogerd Martin Case

Successful brainstorming with Young ADM members

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Towards a sustainable society

Taking steps towards a more sustainable society


Focus on well-being

Tips on improving the well-being of colleagues and employees with Fujitsu

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How to grow your business using growth marketing

What is growth marketing and how can businesses grow from it?

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How to design irresistible products & services

Jürgen Tanghe answers the five key questions you need to tackle

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Ambassador meeting

Networking & brainstorming with the ADM Ambassadors

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Round table: Back to the new normal

Challenges of going back to the office in a 'new normal'

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ADM Reception 2022

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Round table: the wellbeing of employees

Discuss your strategies & challenges on the wellbeing of employees with professionals from other organisations.


Ambassador networking activity

Networking activity to thank our valuable ADM ambassadors

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Does it sound like I'm speaking Chinese?

Marc Lambotte takes us on a journey of (not) being understood and the impact on your business.

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Online: The importance of visualising your data

About the importance and the pitfalls of visualising data.

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Mentorship program 2022-2023: the kickoff

Kickoff event of the ADM Mentorship program for 2022-2023.

No sales talks but pragmatic and informative sessions in combination with professional networking

Johan Bruynseels

VP Data and Enterprise Architecture, Volvo Financial Services

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The perks of having an external mentor

A taste of external mentoring

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Live round table: bridging generations

Live round table session about transferring knowledge between different generations.

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ADM Luncheon with Jannie Haek

Exclusive lunch session with Jannie Haek, CEO of De Nationale Loterij


Online: McKinsey technology trends outlook

What technology trends are unfolding right now? McKinsey gives an overview!

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Online: Project management tools you need to know

Discover which project management tool fits your way of working.

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ADM Ambassador meeting fall 2022

Brainstorm and networking activity for ADM Ambassadors

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Sustainable Development Goals: discover, discuss & inspire

We discovered the 17 SDG's through a game!

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Online: DIY, Automate your day

Save time on repetitive & monotonous jobs with some easy steps in Power Platform.