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29 April, 2022
11:25 - 12:05 h

  • Presentation: NL
  • Slides: EN
  • Q&A: NL EN FR

Focus on well-being

About the session

Happy mode: on

In times where boundaries have clearly faded, it remains so important to focus on the wellbeing of your employees & colleagues. A 'happy employee' is so much more than a productive employee, the benefits for both employer and employee are plenty. So it's time to (regain) focus on the well-being of our employees.

During this session Kim Van Petegem, HR lead Belgium & Luxembourg at Fujitsu, gives us some tips & advice. We get a small insight in how Fujitsu makes sure that employees feel good in their work, their team and their environment.

Download the presentation

You can download the presentation by Kim Van Petegem here

Watch the recording of the presentation

In case you want to repeat the desk yoga session by Dave De Graeve

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