Between March 19, 2020 (start of the first lockdown) and February 18 (the day we were allowed to return to the office) the world changed and so did our ways of working.
How are companies dealing with the current situation? How do they organise themselves? What has changed - for better or for worse?
Inspirational talks thought leaders and other remarkable professionals, topic based round tables, tips & tricks sessions etc.
During “Networking” events, one of the important parts is getting connected and sharing your ideas and visions with other professionals.
You can only participate when you received a personal invitation.
Live event
19 May, 2022
12:00 - 13:00 h
- Presentation: NL
Round table: Back to the new normal
About this session
"Conversation starter" of this session is Stéphane Lahaye, Managing Director Hewlet Packard Enterprise.
After his intro, we will split into smaller groups to exchange ideas, to discuss. Before ending the session, we will collect the key learnings from the different discussions.
Watch our conversation starter
Conversation Starter Stéphane Lahaye from HPE on back to the office, back to a new normal