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221018 Bridging Generations 17
221018 Bridging Generations 02
221018 Bridging Generations 05
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18 October, 2022
18:15 - 21:30 h

  • Presentation: NL
  • Slides: EN
  • Q&A: NL EN FR

Live round table: bridging generations

Members only

This event is for ADM members only

About the session

Working in an environment with different generations can be quite challenging, on many levels. Boomers, Generation X, Millenials, Generation Z,… all of them have their own background, their own approach and their own knowledge. But how do you make sure to bridge all those different generations? How do you make sure the knowledge of the Boomers doesn't leave the organization when they do?

More than enough material for a round table discussion! The questions on the table:

  • What do you want other generations to understand or realize about your generation?
  • In what way does your organization ensure the knowledge transfer between generations?
  • How does your organization bridge different generations?

During the session, we'll split into small groups to discuss the different questions and topics. You'll leave with plenty of insights and a broader network!

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