Productivity is a big buzzword, but employers often overlook the person behind ‘the productivity’. However, when you neglect your own or your employees’ personal (and mental) health, productivity will slack. Ironic as it may seem in a world where time is money, but prioritizing health might actually increase your profits!
Even in a ‘normal’ working situation stress levels are high, which leads to a constant state of hyper-arousal. Stress can cause a wide array of (long) term health issues such as fatigue, burn-out and bore-out, and can even lead to hormonal changes which in turn influences fertility, digestion, sleep,...
Since March 2020 we find ourselves in an unprecedented (work) situation. While the new way of working certainly has benefits; Homeworking, limited office space and fluid boundaries between work and family also put pressure on people’s personal and professional lives. Don’t despair though, with some small and simple tips, people can easily improve their work-life balance and increase their productivity!
When performed consistently the effects of these little actions will compound and generate a big impact.
It’s really important to take care of yourself and your well-being first. It might sound simple, but you’d be surprised how many people prioritise others or their job and in turn neglect themselves.
There are four areas in which you can take small steps to improve your well-being and influence.
Perspective is the most important element here. Be aware of your value and contribution and acknowledge your worth. But also keep in mind that you are not your job. A warm piece of advice here is to pay attention to what’s going well in your life. Think outside of work and include elements like family, friends, pets, hobbies,... See your job as a tiny rod in the general picture of your life.
We live through our screens. These constant stimuli put a lot of pressure on our brain. In order to feel well, and function optimally it’s very important to grant your brain and body time to restore. Micro pauses throughout the day can give your brain time to replenish. A five-minute meditation, a couple of deliberate breaths, a yoga session during your lunch break or a ten-minute walk can be enough.
No matter how busy (you think) you are, always prioritise sleep! Sleep really is non-negotiable. Adults need a solid 7 to 9 hours of shut-eye each night in order to process information, consolidate memories, heal our bodies, recharge our batteries and keep our body working properly on all levels.
We’re talking about real-life connections here. Friendships enhance our lives in many ways and make us more resilient. Try to meet up with a friend to go for a walk, exercise together, or catch up with a co-worker over the phone (if you can’t meet at the office,...).
Ironically, many people these days are overweight yet undernourished. Make healthy food swaps and increase your intake of water and fresh produce. Your body and brain will thank you for it! It can be as easy as adding a few extra vegetables to your pasta dish or taking a piece of fruit as a snack.
It’s also important to exercise regularly to fend off stress. By exercising you improve your overall health and resilience, you’ll also boost your mood, support your brain and enhance your sleep. You really don’t have to ‘go hard or go home! A daily walk can be wonderful or what about playing tennis, trying martial arts, or doing dancing along to your favourite tunes? Even better: meet up with a friend and build a fun exercise routine together.
There are a lot more small steps you can take. Watch the full recording and see what you can do to improve your mental and physical health (and boost productivity). You get a handy checklist as well. Check out the related tab.
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