• Webinar
  • Networking

10 December, 2020
17:30 - 18:45 h

  • Presentation: NL
  • Slides: EN
  • Q&A: NL EN FR

Let's connect online

Members only

A wonderful online networking opportunity is our final event of this year.  

Y-ADM members and more experienced professionals had the chance to exchange ideas and visions. Since offline is out of the question, we set up a virtual bar were members could connect. Albeit with a homemade drink this time. 

We could all agree that the conversations were at the very least interesting and meaningful! We leave the bar with loads of new insights and new learnings. And since we take sharing at heart, we like to share some of these learnings with everyone: 

  • Despite your ambitions, be yourself and be authentic. The rest will follow.
  • Aspire to make compromises and dare to take decisions. Motivate your decisions so that all parties understand. 
  • If you are still searching for your place, that is totally fine! Dare to jump until you have found the place were you belong. 
  • Make clear why something matters to you. Don't give others room to fill it in for you. 
  • Growing in an organization means four things: developing your own capacitites - be a thurstworthy person – network – understanding the politics of your ogranization.  
  • Not everything can be digitized. You really need a physical connection as a leader and as a human being.  
  • Informal contact is crucial during these challenging times... 

With these positive thoughts we would like to end 2020 (for good).  We are already looking forward to 2020: a new year, new events, new opportunities and all the more reasons to continue to Share & Connect! 


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