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16 April, 2018
18:30 - 21:30 h


Luchthaven Nationaal 1 J
1930  Zaventem

Let Philippe De Backer guide you through the new GDPR!

On invitation only

25 May: Not a deadline but the dawn of a new GDPR culture!

If one of your partners, Deloitte, invites your board-members to come and listen to Philippe De Backer, State Secretary for Privacy, it's simply an offer you can't refuse!  Main theme of the session: the unhyped version of the GDPR story that answered one question: What purpose does the GDPR really serve?

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According to our State Secretary, 25 May is a great opportunity for organisations to:

  • get their affairs in order concerning the way they handle their customers' privacy and the protection of their data (especially if they're not compliant with the legislation of 1992)
  • obtain the trust and loyalty of their customers because problems will lead to a damaged reputation which is worse than a penalty
  • get better insights in their own processing of data
  • be compliant to the European regulation

Right now there are already a lot of organisations worldwide that have voluntarily implemented the new GDPR.

But what's the goal of the new GDPR?


Quite simply put; to protect all data by:

  • giving the civilians control over their own data
  • improving the security surrounding data
  • supporting the internal (EU) digital market by making sure data can be transferred in a correct/safe way
  • enforcing compliance with the regulation on a governmental level

To be clear: the goal for the government with this new regulation is NOT to replenish the state treasury by penalising anyone who doesn't follow the rules:

  1. The GBA (Gegevensbeschermingsautoriteit) - the reformed Privacy Commission - will be fully dependent on the parliament for its funding and not from the fines/penalties it will write out to all who do not follow the GDPR.
  2. An entire escalationmechanism has been created. In case of a complaint there will first be attempts to reconcile the parties that are involved. Penalties will only be given in case all other measures do not work.
  3. The main task of the GBA will mainly consist of doing audits in order to refine the regulation and to better inform organisations (e.g.: with white papers


Will we be ready by 25 May?

Mr. De Backer's answer was simple: No...

First off, when the GDPR is officially implemented the reality will make it clear that in specific cases it won't be clear where the line is drawn. This will become more clear over time and by making case studies.

Secondly, the State Secretary expects that there autoregulation will occur in some sectors (e.g. banking, insurance industry etc.) where organisations will discuss the boundaries internally with the GBA.

Furthermore, Mr. De Backer hopes that there will be a better collaboration within the EU in the future in order to prevent too large divergence (which might lead to organisations "shopping" for an ideal location in the EU). Through a better collaboration the different countries will have the opportunity to combine their forces, share knowledge and grow as a whole. 
A remark in total ADM-spirit!

Relive the session

Be sure to head over to the Pictures tab and have a look at the pictures that were taken during the event.

Want to learn more on the presentation that was given by Philippe De Backer? You can download it at Related tab.

On 1 March we also did an extensive session on the new GDPR from a business & marketing standpoint. Learn more about at the eventpage of that session!

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