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13 November, 2018
18:00 - 21:30 h

Kasteel Tivoli

Antwerpsesteenweg 92
2800  Mechelen

How ING moves to a real Engineering Culture

On invitation only

How the Dreyfus Maturity model reinforced ING’s transition to become a true engineering workforce

Peter Jacobs (CIO, ING Netherlands) got full attention of our partners and members when talking about agile@ING. ‘Continuous Delivery of Jez Humble’ has been their bible in the agile transformation process.


10 years ago banks were benchmarked on 2 criteria:

  • For each euro earned, how much is invested in IT and
  • For each euro earned, how much expense do you have…

And in the execution ‘following the procedures’ seemed to be more important that to serve the customer…. A culture change was urgently needed.

ING choose for an agile organisation in order to rapidly adapt and steer itself in a new direction. Minimizing handovers and bureaucracy while empowering people are aimed at building stronger employees. It was not only about IT but all departments.

4 important pillars in this transformation

  1. An ‘end-to-end principle’ while working in multidisciplinary teams composed of marketing specialists, product and commercial specialists, user-experience designers, data analysts, and IT engineers—all focused on solving the client’s needs and united by a common definition of success.
  2. Having the appropriate organizational structure and clarity around the new roles and governance. 
  3. New software releases on a much more frequent basis—every two weeks rather than having five to six “big launches” a year as they did in the past.
  4. Introduction of a new people model. In the old organization, a manager’s status and salary were based on the size of the projects he or she was responsible for and on the number of employees on his or her team. In an agile performance-management model what matters is how people deal with knowledge. A big part of the transformation has been about ensuring there is a good mix between different layers of knowledge and expertise.

Focus in an agile organisation is on delivery in 3 weeks instead of 3 years. And yes, this applies to critical projects as well, not to say it is meant for them in the first place.

You have to be flexible towards change and work in small teams.

Good craftsmen make the difference

People need purpose, development, autonomy and appreciation. The Dreyfus brothers developed a model of Skill Acquisition based on their observations of working people of an age between 18 and 35 years.

Dreyfus Model

Starting as a ‘novice’ people grow to the level of ‘advanced beginner’. The next phase is being ‘competent’ then become ‘proficient’ and finally being an ‘expert’. 1 expert is more productive than 10 novices…

  • novice has to be coached in everything.
  • When getting more autonomy they become an advanced beginner. These people only get support when errors occur.
  • Competent people coach novices.
  • Special people (proficient) give training & development sessions. When they are absent meetings are cancelled because people are anxious to hear their input.
  • Very special people (expert) are invited as speakers/presenters to conferences.

There are big productivity differences among these people which made the traditional organizational ‘piramid model’ evolve to a ‘rhombus model’ comprising 30% very special people, 55% normal people and 25% special people. Recruitment of ‘special people’ has become much more important in the hiring process.  In the new model people are also promoted much quicker.

The program generated a 50% reduction of IT cost while ING became the ‘best employer for IT-profiles’. 

ING’s values are honest, pure, clean. Focus is on the ‘what’ not only for the associates but also for the customers and potential customers.



Welcome & registration


Introduction by ADM


Peter Jacobs, CIO of ING Netherlands: "How to introduce a true engineering culture, reinforced by the Dreyfus Maturity model."





Interesting reads on ING (McKinsey)

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