180613 Laurence Schuurman 28
180613 Laurence Schuurman 21
180613 Laurence Schuurman 20
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13 June, 2018
18:30 - 21:30 h

Kasteel Tivoli

Antwerpsesteenweg 92
2800  Mechelen

Parking is available at Kasteel Tivoli (reachable via Antwerpsesteenweg - follow the signs). Please don't leave any valuables in your car!

Be inspired by the Young ICT Lady 2018, Laurence Schuurman

Dare to dream: the incredible journey of the Young ICT Lady 2018!

What was that famous saying again? "Save the best 'til last"? We're not claiming that this session topped every single one of our great events in the past year, but those present agreed that Laurence Schuurman made sure that this was a memorable closing of another great year at ADM.

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Yorick Van Hoeymissen (Community Manager Y-ADM), had the honour of doing the introduction for this session. He quickly made way for Laurence Schuurman, though, so she could share her incredible story that landed her the title of Young ICT Lady 2018.

Want to learn more on how Laurence became the Young ICT Lady 2018? Check out this great article by Datanews.

During her presentation Laurence told us the story of how she grew into the right hand of the top management of Capgemini. A feat that is impressive in and of itself, but the route to that achievement is even more impressive, starting at the very roots on her parents farm in her hometown. There she learned that hard work, strong principles and the will to push through. If you can dream it, you can do it!

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A few examples of her amazing journey:
she spent 2 years working in Rotterdam perfecting her Dutch (she speaks five languages by the way: French (native), Dutch, English, German and Spanish), She's a citizen of the world: studying in Spain and Denmark, 2 years working in New York, now she's working in Paris (again) and that's just the beginning of the list; she has set up and led her own team of interns, she's a diversity advocate for women (e.g. she took on a mentor role for teams of women in IT in India, visiting them, sharing insights & experiences etc.).  She has even had such positive impact that her employers have decided to work on bringing in even more young high potentials. She is both a mentor and a coach to these new joiners! 
The list of impressive accomplishments just goes on and on!

After her presentation Laurence took the time to answer all the questions of our members & partners, inspiring them in doing so.
Want to learn more on the presentation by Laurence Schuurman? Head over to the Related tab (top of this page) and download the full document!

Relive the session!

Be sure to head over to the Pictures tab to get a good impression of the evening.

Head over to the Related tab to download the full presentation by Laurence Schuurman and other interesting links for more inspiration!

Did you know you can follow us on Instagram during events? Just follow ADMShareConnect & you don't have to miss a thing, even if you're not there yourself! Here's the instastory of this session:

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Welcome & registration


Introduction by ADM


"Dare to dream" - the inspiring story by Laurence Schuurman, Young ICT Lady 2018


Q & A


Networking BBQ



ADM members have access to other (member-restricted) documents after signing in into the website

Interesting links

  • If you want to learn more about Laurence and how she became Datanews' Young ICT Lady of the year in this interesting article.
  • Besides doing her best to excel in her job and spend time with her family Laurence also commits herself to a number of organisations to help make the world a better place!

    • Junior Chamber International (JCI): a global movement that inspires young people to recognize their responsibility to create a better world and empower them to drive change.
    • We Go Stem: an organisation launched by Dwengo vzw and SheGoesICT that strives to inspire children to discover their talent for science and technology in a creative way