Nov 29, 2021

The productive home office

Our stress levels are high, whether we work from home or in the office. This leads to a constant state of hyper-arousal. Stress can cause a wide array of (long) term health issues such as fatigue, burn-out and bore-out, and can even lead to hormonal changes which in turn influences fertility, digestion, sleep,...

It’s crucial to take care of yourself and your well-being first. It might sound simple, but you’d be surprised how many people prioritise others or their job and in turn neglect themselves. Don’t despair though, with some small and simple tips, people can easily improve their work-life balance and increase their productivity!

Health Hacks Homeworking

Mindset and mental health

Perspective is the most important element. Be aware of your value and contribution and acknowledge your worth. But also keep in mind that you are not your job. A warm piece of advice here is to pay attention to what’s going well in your life. Think outside of work and include elements like family, friends, pets, hobbies,... See your job as a tiny rod in the general picture of your life.

Establish a routine

When you go to the office, you also have a set routine. So why not recreate one, when working from home? You could go for a morning walk as if you were commuting to the office. It’s also important to adhere to a fixed start and end time. With your laptop constantly in sight this might be tricky. So just set a rule to close it up after a certain time.

Create a dedicated work setting

Create a setting that inspires you to work and encourages productivity. This can be as simple as setting up your desk in the morning and clearing it back up in the evening or listening to specific music while you work.

When performed consistently the effects of these little actions will compound and generate a big impact.

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