7 December, 2016
18:00 - 21:30 h
Afspanning De Jachthoorn
Doornstraat 11
Detailed information on how to travel to "De Jachthoorn" can be found on their website.
Time for a Digital Detox?
"Communicate about communication" was one of the biggest talking points of the evening. Christine Wittoeck entert(r)ained our members during our last session of 2016 and opened their eyes by showing how a Digital Detox can change everyone's life for the better!

Christine Wittoeck is founder and CEO of the Digital Detox Academy. Fascinated by behavior and behavioral change, Christine considers it her mission to create awareness about the fact that we control our own behavior! Specifically she wants to make us aware of the fact that we have the power to control our own behavior when it comes to digital tools. If you'd like to discover more on Christine Wittoeck, feel free to visit the Digital Detox Academy website.

Christine's mission during this session wasn't to scold our members on their possible Digital Addiction. Besides asking them to shut down their smartphones during the presentation (a real feat for our members!), her main message was that every person should take a look in the mirror and decide for themselves if their usage of digital tools exceeds what they want or not. In doing this she wants to create awareness to the fact that there are some alternatives to what we use our devices (laptops, tablets, smartphones etc.) for.
In today's society it's not Christine's intent to completely get rid off laptops, tablets & smartphones. That's not only impossible but utterly useless because these are in fact, great tools that can help us improve our lives. She rather went on to give us tips & tricks on how we can manage these tools (and more importantly ourselves) so that we control them instead of the other way around.
5 Digital Detox tips from Christine Wittoeck:
1. Respect Email Etiquette
In every organisation it's important to communicate about HOW you communicate internally (and externally). There are a few tips you can use to facilitate your email communication:
- Keep it short
- Carefully choose your "To:" and "CC:"
- Include important info in your subject line
- Don't reply-all
2. Shut down your alerts visually ànd auditively
It's important to be able to choose what info you want coming in. If you get an alert for every little update your digital device will work more as a distraction/stress creator rather than an aid to your productivity.
3. Eliminate interferences
Try to focus on one task at a time and don't be afraid to seclude yourself for a short period of time in order to complete your work. However, it's important to communicate about this with your colleagues because you not responding immediately to someone's message might create stress from their part.

4. Buy an alarmclock
When you're woken up by your smartphone's alarm you automatically get sucked in by notifications, messages, other alerts etc. and this results in you having stress from the moment you wake up. Use an alarmclock to
- take the time to wake up
- stop using your digital device before you go to sleep and be able to relax more
5. Plan your (own) time
- Be sure to take a break now and then to relax your mind & don't skip a lunch break
- Plan moments in the day to answer your emails (communicate about communication!)
- Reserve time in the week to complete little chores that might get overlooked otherwise.
Relive the session
If you would like to learn more on the presentation (available for download) ànd the videos used by Christine Wittoeck be sure to head over to the Related tab.
Learn more on how you can manage your digital life with the book written by Christine Wittoeck: Start to Digital Detox
Feel free to take a look at all the pictures that were taken during the session. You can find them on the Pictures tab.
Since this was a Detox session our members weren't able to tweet & put #admbe up as trending topic on Twitter again. So, unfortunately, there won't be a Storify for you to enjoy this time.
Welcome & Registration
Introduction by ADM
Interactive session with Christine Wittoeck, founder and CEO of the Digital Detox Academy.
Networking drink
Slaaf of meester van digitaal werkenPresentation as given by Christine Wittoeck (Digital Detox Academy). |
1.604 MB |
Folder "Digital Detox"This folder contains more info on the book "Start to Digital Detox" by Christine Wittoeck |
5.393 MB |
ADM members have access to other (member-restricted) documents after signing in into the website
Here are the videos used by Christine Wittoeck during her presentation: