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17 September, 2015
17:30 - 21:00 h

Koninklijke Belgische Voetbalbond (KBVB): Administratief Centrum

Houba De Strooperlaan 145
1020  Brussel-Laken

Private parking is provided by BOIC (limited availability). You can reach the parking at Boechoutlaan 9, 1020 Brussels. If no more places are available, parking is also possible in Houba de Strooperlaan at cheap rate.

Public transport

Take train to "Brussel-Zuid"(Brussels South) - In "Zuid-Station" (subwaystation) take metro nr 6 (direction: "Koning Boudewijn/Roi Baudouin") - stop at "Houba-Brugmann" - Walk to the administrative center (KBVB).

De Lijn routeplanner


How do sports coaches and CEOs compare? How do they differ?

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‘Kopmannen’, the book by ADM’s president Jan De Schepper could not have been a better starting shot for the 19th yearly marathon of ADM events.

Business and sports stood shoulder to shoulder, as famous sports coach Paul Van Den Bosch joined Jan. Together they gave the audience a sportive view on coaching and leadership. Food for thought, both at the reception as digitally on Twitter!

Videoreport with Jan De Schepper and Paul Van Den Bosch

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Relive the evening via Storify

[View the story ""Kopmannen"" on Storify]

About the book "Kopmannen"

The introduction for Kopmannen was written by none other than Eddy Merckx himself. In his book our chairman discusses the different types of Kopmannen and uses statements and past events from the sports- and businessworld to explain how leaders learn from athletes and vice versa. Furthermore, Jan explains that not only the corporate world, but our entire society gains from the experiences of athletes and corporate managers.

 You can order the book from the Lannoo website 

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