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9 June, 2015
18:00 - 21:30 h

Vlerick Business School, Brussels Campus

Manhattan Business Tower
1210  Sint-Joost-ten-Node

Parking :
use parking Manhattan underneath the building Kruisvaartenstraat 19,  1210 Sint-Joost-ten-Node.
Detailed information on how to get there by car, train or metro can be found on the website of the Vlerick Management School 

Public transport

Train Station Brussel Noord / Metro Station Rogier 

De Lijn routeplanner

Better Decision Taking

Better Decision Taking: leading your company towards success!

Unsurprisingly, he met quite a few sceptical faces when he stated management is dead and buried and there are no secrets in leading your company and employees towards success. Even success is relative, according to professor Buelens. How do you measure a company’s value? Stock valuation? Or the average wage of their employees? In the end, management is all about taking the right decisions. Using aPrezi mind map and an old-fashioned whiteboard, professor Buelens explained the different decision making styles.

Relive the evening via Storify

[View the story "ADM 9/06 - Better Decision Taking" on Storify]

Interesting blogs, recommened reading can be found on the "Related" tab on this page. 
ADM members can also download the presentation of  Prof. Buelens  (after login). 

All pictures of the evening can be found under the "Pictures" tab. 

Read the interesting blog that Svend Jacobsen wrote after taking part in our event.

ADM members have access to other (member-restricted) documents after signing in into the website

Interesting reading material, recommened by Prof. Marc Buelens

  1. Oogklep denken - Ruben Mersch (personal favorite of Prof. Buelens)
  2. Dans met kans - Spyros Makridakis, Robin Hogarth, Anil Gaba
  3. Misleid door toeval - Nassim Nicholas Taleb
  4. Ons onfeilbare denken - Daniel Kahneman
  5. Essentials, Beslissen - Marc Buelens & Herman Van Den Broeck
  6. De Goden verzoeken - Peter L. Bernstein