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25 November, 2014
18:30 - 22:00 h

De Jachthoorn

Doornstraat 11
2550  Kontich

Coming by car: 
More info can be found here.

Public transport

Contact us by email for more information regarding the free shuttle service between Kontich train station and the venue.

De Lijn routeplanner

How to make "NWOW" (Nieuwe Werken) work?

New Way Of Working – In Action

Nancy and Elke - exceptionally without colleague Joke (they are also called the “K3 of the Flemish Government”) - brought a lot of life, enthusiasm and energy to the session. New Way Of Working is after all NOT about where you work or what the office architecture is like. The real New Way Of Working is about how you deal with it for yourself and in the interaction with your colleagues and customers.

In their new book “Sssst, hier werkt men” the Dinobusters suggest 10 steps to point you in the right direction.   A quiz, some running around, a brainstorming … the participants of our session certainly experienced how to make an event fun, interactive and interesting at the same time.

Of course you “should have been there”, but for those who were, these are the great ideas for optimisation that the groups came up with after just a few minutes of brainstorming: - Diversity for creativity - “Adopt a client” concept for more customer engagement - Saying ‘thank you ‘more often - Think / act proactively and providently - Tele-transportation, a joint action plan by Agfa & Ahlers to solve the traffic problems - More customer focus & communication

 “Create a positive learning culture” being tip nr 6 in the book .. we certainly did so!

More info on the activities, publications ... by the Dinobusters : www.dinobusters.be 
You can also follow them via Twitter:

  • @Din0busters
  • Nancy De Vogelaere - @NancyDVogelaere 
  • Elke Wambacq - @Inno_Elke
  • Joke Renneboog - @JokeRenneboog 

Do check out the "Related" tab on this page to find the presentation of the evening  and the poster with the 10 steps for smarter communication.
You will also find the 2 video’s used during the presentation.


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