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1 December, 2014
11:00 - 14:00 h

Nationale Loterij

Belliardstraat 23
1040  Brussel

ADM board meeting - with Jannie Haek

On invitation only

The winning ticket

After the actual meeting, we had the pleasure of meeting CEO Jannie Haek. Although the National Lottery is 85 years old, the company proves to be everything but old-fashioned. With 210 million transactions per year, 5300 points of sale, and a rapidly changing consumer market, it is obvious that concepts as change management, agile, business-ICT alignment are as popular as in any other company. Roger Malevé, Director National Lottery and ADM Board Member, has supervised many of the transitions in the past years.

The vision for 2025 is to become a multichannel network, where traditional and online products complement each other to build a Lottery community.