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8 September, 2016
18:00 - 21:00 h

Stadhuis Antwerpen

Grote Markt 1
2000  Antwerpen

Welcome to the new ADM

New logo, new website... new ADM!

On 8 september we kicked off ADM 2016-2017 and it has certainly not gone by unnoticed! 135 of our members and partners joined us at the impressive City Hall in Antwerp for the exclusive first look at their new ADM.

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It was indeed an exciting evening at the City Hall of Antwerp. Our members and partners packed together in the "Trouwzaal" to be the first to hear everything about the new ADM. The session was opened by Jan De Schepper, our chairman at ADM. He took the time elaborate on ADM's rich history and how it has evolved into the organisation it is today. Rounding up his speach, Jan was of course tasked with the honor of pressing the red button to reveal our new logo and launch the new ADM website.

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Nancy De Vogelaere (Dinobusters), a long-time member of ADM, then took the time to tell us a bit more about the new ADM logo which differs very much from our previous ones. The new logo is connected in reference to our new tagline "Share and Connect". The new letters in our logo are not as straight edged as in the past. Using these more lean letters signifies the willingness to think outside the box at ADM and not take everything for granted. There are 4 colored circles to top off our new logo that symbolize that at ADM all profiles from a company are welcome to join the network.

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But we've not only changed our logo. Marina De Moerlooze (Crossroad) has been a great support these past few months in helping us create a mission and vision for the new ADM. She took the time to guide our participants through everything they need to know about the new ADM. Want to learn more? Take a look at the Why ADM page.

One of the more prominent changes at ADM however is our website that has undergone a total make-over. Our General Manager, Ingrid Hoffman guided our members and partners through the biggest changes. If you'd like to learn more on everything that's new on our website, do have a look at our FAQ-section.

Christian Leysen (Ahlers) was one of the founding fathers of ADM 18 years ago. Of course, he also joined us for the launch of his new ADM. To round up our session he took to the stage to share with us his opinion and view on our organisation.

Relive the evening

During the session, ADM was once again a trending topic on Twitter thanks to your many tweets! Our Social Media manager, Mic Adam, has taken the time to compile them all in short Storify:

[View the story "ADM - Connect & Share" on Storify]

You can have a look at the pictures taken at the session on the Pictures tab at the top of this page.

Relive the session with a short videoreport that was made by Quadrant Communictations:

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