Dsc06911 Medium
Dsc06914 Medium
Dsc06897 Medium
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4 October, 2016
17:00 - 20:30 h

Elewijt Center

Tervuursesteenweg 564
1982  Elewijt

Public transport

Take the train to Mechelen (NMBS) - walk to busplatform 4 in front of the train station - take bus 280 direction Grimbergen Verbrande Brug [De Lijn] - Exit at the 12th bus stop (Elewijt Solarium [De Lijn]) - Walk to Elewijt Center (+/-40m)

De Lijn routeplanner

Being a Data-Scientist: what it's like!

Will the Data-Scientist please stand up?

What is a Data-Scientist and what does he do exactly? Nearly 50 of our members joined together to learn more about the roles and responsibilities of the people working on and in big data projects.

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Our Program Manager for this session was Johan Bruynseels (IT Director Strategy & Architecture - Telenet Group). He was the first to take the stage at Elewijt Center giving an introduction on the subject of the evening and setting the scene for our other speakers.

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Left: Johan Bruynseels (Telenet Group)
Right: Bart Hamers (Deloitte)

Our first guest speaker of the evening was Bart Hamers (Senior Lead, Analytics & Information Management - Deloitte). During his presentation he elaborated on how to become an "Insight Driven Organisation". Using a simple conceptual model, Deloitte attempts to structurize the debate surrounding different profiles (in data), team development and organisation. 

After the interesting theoretical part of the session it was time for a few practical cases to show how Data improves businesses. First to take the stage was Kurt Cogghe (Director Enterprise and Information Architecture - Volvo Financial Services). During his presentation Kurt shared one of the projects he has worked on at Volvo Financial Services. In this project they used Data to determine the residual value of trucks before even using them and determine the credit exposure for Volvo's leasing firms.

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Left: Kurt Cogghe (Volvo Financial Services)
Right: Bram Vanschoenwinkel (AE)

The last case of the evening was presented by Bram Vanschoenwinkel (Solution Lead Analytics - AE) who took the time to tell us a bit more about the value of big data in credit scoring. The main focus of the presentation was on the way financial institutions are looking to use information that goes beyond normal demographic and static financial information to estimate the risk you pose as a person who requests credit.

Relive the session

Go to the Related tab (top of this page) to relive the session with the presentations from:

  • Bart Hamers (Deloitte)
  • Bram Van Schoenwinkel (AE)

Feel free to take a look at all the pictures that were taken during the session. You can find them on the Pictures tab (top of this page) 

Our Social Media Manager, Mic Adam, has taken the time to make a short Storify summarizing this session with your own tweets:

[View the story "Being a Data-Scientist: what it's like!" on Storify]

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