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5 May, 2015
17:30 - 21:30 h

Business Faculty

St. Lendriksborre 6
1120  Brussel (Neder-Over-Heembeek)

Public transport

From Brussel Noord Station take bus Nr 57 to Militair Hospitaal ***
From Vilvoorde Station take bus Nr 47 to Militair Hospistaal.

De Lijn routeplanner

Enabling business with the new regulation on electronic identification and trust services

eIDAS Regulation offers new business opportunities

Patrick Van Eecke (DLA Piper) started with an overview of the legal framework on : where we come from, where we are standing, where we are heading. 

CSAM, a joint initiative by trusted (governmental) partners is the gateway to the online services of the government., CSAM contains agreements, rules and services for identification, authentication, authorisation and access management. The new reIDAS offers new opportunities to use the services also for commercial applications.  
Presentation by Wouter Debecker and Jan Vanhaecht .

Intellistamp is a digital stamp, confirming the authenticity of a document. The product was originally developed by Inventive Designers and recently acquired by Cipal. Intellistamp is already used by a number of cities. The new regulation provides also in this case increased legal security. 
Presentation by Hans Bartholomeus and Klaas Bals.

Check out the "Related" tab for the presentations of the evening and interesting links!

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