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20 February, 2017
17:30 - 21:30 h

Business Faculty

Sint-Lendriksborre 6 Font Saint-Landry
1120  Brussels

All information on travelling by car, train, bus etc. can be found on the website of Business Faculty.

How to implement Digital Transformation in your company culture

Transforming your company culture: a journey like no other!

"Human = Primary, Technology = Secondary" was one of the main messages heard throughout every case at this event. Our members gathered to listen to different speakers who shared their story on the successes and struggles they encountered when implementing Digital Transformation in their organisations.

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Kim Oostvogels (Möbius), our programme manager for this event kicked off the session with a short introduction on the subject of the evening. Using the book "De Corporate Tribe" he set the scene for the other speakers with a short theoretical introduction on the subject of the event: Digital Transformation. If you'd like to learn more, be sure to head over to the Related tab & download the presentation.

Everybody remembers the big train disaster in Buizingen which occured in 2010. In the aftermath Infrabel set an ambitious goal for itself: to transform the Belgian railroad network into the safest in Europe and they're pulling out all the stops to achieve that goal (e.g. ETCS-Masterplan). In 2013 Threon was called in to help establish a Program Management Office in support of the ETCS-Masterplan. Marlene Klompenhouwer (Infrabel) & Gonda Storms (Threon) guided our participants through this evolution and the challenges they faced regarding Digitalisation & company culture. Discover more on the Infrabel case in our Related tab & download the presentation.

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From left to right: Kim Oostvogels, Marlene Klompenhouwer & Gonda Storms, David Suijkerbuijk

David Suijkerbuijk (Crossroad Consulting) was second to take to the stage and he shared not one but two cases on transformation they have worked on at Crossroad Consulting. First was Portilog who are currently digitalising their educational services by implementing blended learning/e-learning. In doing so, they want to make sure that their professional services are future-proof. David shared with us the ins & outs of this interesting project and how they are helping Portilog in reaching their goal.
The second case David presented was one they have been working on with the Flemish Government ("Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur") who have set the ambitious goal of drastically reogranising their program/service "Radicaal Digitaal" by 2020. If you'd like to learn more on the cases David has presented during the session, be sure to head over to the Related tab & download the full presentation.

After a short break, Kristian Vandenhoudt (Atlas Copco) was the next speaker who took the time to share the story of Atlas Copco with our ADM members. During his presentation, Kristian used a slightly different approach from the other cases. He emphasized how a company culture can influence Digital Transfromation just as much as the other way around. He went on to explain this by telling us a little bit more about the rich history of Atlas Copco and its culture. If you'd like to learn more, be sure to head over to the Related tab & download the full presentation.

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Left: Kristian Vandenhoudt, right: Wilfrid Huculak

Last but not least was Wilfrid Huculak (CEL Data Services). During his presentation he that as a subsidiary of ING Belgium, CELDS served its major client for more than 25 years. With ING's recent strategic decision to reduce its branches, CELDS needed to reinvent itself and turn to the market with a new strategy. During the presentation, Wilfrid told us more on how they handled these challenges. If you'd like to learn more, be sure to head over to the Related tab & download the presentation.

To round up the session, Kim took to the stage one last time. During a short interactive session Kim used our online polling platform Sli.Do to ask our participants their opinion on the information that was given from every case presented. If you'd like to see the results from these polls, head over to the Related tab and download the slides.

Relive the session

Be sure to head over to the Pictures tab and have a look at the pictures that were taken during the event.

Under the Related tab you can download all the presentations as given during the event.

Our Social Media Manager, Mic Adam, has taken the time to compile your tweets in a handy Storify that sums up the event in your own words. (see below)

[View the story "How to implement Digital Transformation in your company culture" on Storify]



Welcome & registration


Introduction by ADM


Introduction "The Corporate Tribe" by Kim Oostvogels (Möbius)


Case 1: Infrabel by Marlene Klompenhouwer (Infrabel) & Gonda Storms (Threon)


Case 2: Vlaamse Overheid Portilog by David Suijkerbuijk (Crossroad Consulting)




Case 3: Atlas Copco by Kristian Vandenhoudt (Atlas Copco)


Case 4: CEL Data Services by Wilfrid Huculak (CEL Data Services)


Interactive session


Networking drink



ADM members have access to other (member-restricted) documents after signing in into the website

Learn more on the book "De Corporate Tribe" that was used during the introduction by Kim Oostvogels.