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22 January, 2015
18:00 - 21:30 h

Business Faculty

St. Lendriksborre 6
1120  Brussel (Neder-Over-Heembeek)

Public transport

From Brussel Noord Station take bus Nr 57 to Militair Hospitaal ***
From Vilvoorde Station take bus Nr 47 to Militair Hospistaal.

De Lijn routeplanner

Data: big-bigger-biggest

“Big Data”: size is not important

Certainly, the fact that technology allows companies to collect, store and analyse increasingly more data means big business for the IT suppliers. Sure, our ”always connected” mode of living and the Internet of Things make available larger volumes of data than ever before.  Where Big Data technology actually can be big is at the level of the business. Just take a look at the video below: the fact that businesses can collect more information, process it quicker and use it to predict future trends creates interesting business opportunities. In the end everybody will have to deal with (big or small) data. Not the volume of the data is important, but your understanding what the data can mean for your business and how it can support your business model. Once again: it is not about tools, but about the mentality of dealing with the information and using it to find the real business applications.


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