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12 March, 2012
16:30 - 21:00 h

Galaxy Studios

Kievitstraat 42, 2400 Mol

Visit Galaxy Studios

On invitation only

ADM explores the boundaries of the future at Galaxy Studios

On 12 March the Board members of ADM and some 20 CxOs were given an exclusive tour around Galaxy Studios in Mol. Maybe it’s not a household name but in the world of films and music the company’s fame has spread throughout the world.

Galaxy Studios was set up in the 1980s by the brothers Wilfried and Guy Van Baelen as a result of their passion for music, innovation and perfectionism. They started off as music producers and now not only does the company enjoy worldwide fame in this area, but also in the field of sound recordings and post-production work for films. The drive to reproduce music and images as faithfully and purely as possible resulted in a tour de force in technological innovation.

First and foremost, the building itself: it looks like bunkers on springs, with glass walls that are 11 cm thick to eliminate any unwanted vibrations or interfering sounds. These structures were designed by Eric Desmet and Professor Gerrit Vermeir of the University of Leuven. This glass sound insulation is a world record, which stands to this day. The innovative concept of “Auro 3D sound” was also developed in these studios. The demos that we got to hear were particularly impressive. Although this application for music and film is a ground-breaking piece of work, Galaxy Studios also sees it as having a really big future in the gaming industry. During another demo we saw how film footage can be altered – you could say Photoshopped but with moving images, and again with technology developed in-house.

So it won’t surprise you to learn that big shots such as George Lucas descend on Mol to have the sound for their films mixed here! Perhaps the most striking thing in this place of technical and technological superlatives was the passion of the people for their work. Not only among the management, but literally everyone we met during this visit. So all the participants were impressed in several ways by this visit!

You can find more information about Galaxy Studios and all their activitities on

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Auro-3D Workflow from Auro 3D video on Vimeo.