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19 April, 2012
18:30 - 22:00 h

Royal Belgian Football Association (KBVB-URBSFA)

Av. Houba de Strooperlaan 145, Brussels

ADM Reception 2012

On invitation only

ADM Community Shows Heart During Its Annual Reception

Everyone knows the creed of Jan De Schepper, Chairman of ADM: invest in people. Not just in the corporate world, but also those for whom this is less easy and obvious. We all have some kind of limitation but we also all have capabilities that deserve to be further developed.

Dirk Verhofstadt, former CIO of SDWorx, was asked to become CEO of the Special Olympics 2014, the Games that will take place in Antwerp that year. Dirk's short testimony about what had attracted him in this mission and especially his first experiences with athletes with intellectual disabilities (PID) were endeering at times.

Then Yves Vekemans, CMO of the Special Olympics 2014, driving force behind the Hercules Trophy and by chance an ADM member from the very beginning addressed the audience. The way that he spoke about how companies, organisations and individuals can support initiatives like the Special Olympics could make you think of only one word: passion.

Yves had brought with him a very special guest: Evy Ploegaerts, herself a  former SO athlete, who now assists other SO athletes. She presented herself the logo she had designed for the Special Olympics 2014 and did this in such a spontaneous way that the audience rewarded her with a big applause.

No need to say that this set the tone for nice initiatives, good talks and excellent networking the rest of the evening.

People are at the heart of the ADM community, and that heart showed on April 19th. Also on behalf of the Special Olympics 2014: a big thank you for this!

More information on the Special Olympics Summer Games 2014 in Antwerp : see the website Also read  Op zoek naar talent : van sporten word je ook slim (Datanews Opinie 20/4/2012)


18.30  -  Welcome drink

19.00  -  Welcome ~ Jan De Schepper, Chairman ADM

19.15  -  Het project Special Olympics 2014 (Dutch) ~ Dirk Verhofstadt, CEO Special Olympics 2014

19.30  -  Games of the heart (English) ~ Yves Vekemans, CMO Special Olympics 2014 and Evy Ploegstaert, Special Olympics Athlete

20.00  -  Networking drink and “football” buffet

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