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10 December, 2015
16:45 - 21:30 h

Marconi Studio (VRT building)

Auguste Reyerslaan 52
1043  Brussel

All information on travelling to VRT can be found on their website.

Public transport

From Brussels Central Station; Take the subway (metroline 1 to "Stokkel") and exit at "Montgomery" station. Transfer to tram 7 or 25 and exit at Meiserplein. U kunt daar overstappen op tram 7 of 25 en uitstappen op het Meiserplein.

De Lijn routeplanner

Spreading the innovation mindset

Great innovation mindset at Marconi Studio

On Thursday 15 December Vlaamse Radio- en Televisieomroep (VRT) opened its doors to the legendary Marconi Studio for our final event of 2015. During this session on innovation, speakers from VRT, Belfius, BNP Paribas Fortis and Sumi joined us to tell us more on how they try to implement innovation in their company nowadays.

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Stephane Jans, our Program Manager on Innovation kicked of the session by setting the scene for the other speakers. With the help of our online tool "Presenterswall" he warmed up the participants for every speaker who would present their case on innovation.

In the first part of this session, Dieter Boen kicked of the presentations with an interesting inside perspective on innovation at VRT. He presented the tools they are using to appeal more to the new generation that grew up using the internet. 

After Dieter's presentation, Tom Decroix and Jonathan Neubourg from Belfius took the stage. During their presentation they gave insight on how Belfius has reorganised itself to bring innovation to its employees and, in doing so, stimulate the mindset of innovative thinking and creating. 

Next up was Olivier Peeters of BNP Paribas Fortis who joined us to tell a bit more on "Home for Innovation"; An initiative to re-invent and innovate the business model of BNP. Why? To initiate some new projects by working in team as a startup and applying the lean start-up method. But also to create a culture where innovation is key because that is what needs to be done to compete with external parties. 

The final presentation was given by Stef Vande Meulebroecke from SUMI. In his presentation he told us a bit more on how his company has evolved from Elektromat, a supplier of user-friendly equipment for the professional electrician into SUMI Smart & Connected buildings. A company with focus on the user-friendliness of building technology for the user rather than the professional electrician. 

After a short break, Stephane Jans kicked off the second part of the session: the World Café! All speakers were asked to present our participants with a question or a statement that they are faced with in light of implementing innovation in their respective companies. Afterwards the speakers took to the stage once more to reflect on the feedback that the participants gave them.

Relive the evening via Storify

You can download the presentations from the evening from the "Related" section on this page. 

Do have look at the "Pictures" tab to relive the great atmosphere during the evening!

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