Companies and projects are complex. This means that one expert or a group of experts can not define and predict everything in great detail for the next 5 years. No, projects, companies and the world are changing continuously, making them complex. And complex matter requires a specific approach.
How do we approach certain complex situations?
- We treat every individual as an equal sensor for tension.
- We use the collective wisdom to our advantage. There is not just one truth, everyone has his/her own truth or wisdom.
- We need to experiment and learn (we need to learn to take small steps and evaluate each time)
These three items form the base of consent decision-making.
Consent decisions don't force us to choose between one thing or another, it is both (and more)! We don't need a solution that is perfect or that lasts for 5 years: we need a solution that is good enough for now (and maybe tomorrow) and safe enough for now.
"Tension is the difference we perceive as a person. The difference between the current situation and the desired situation in the future. Tension is not by default negative, tension can be positive as well."