Taking "a good" picture to use on your social media - it's always a hassle, isn't it?
That's why we asked passionate photographer Christophe Cresens for help and tell us the little tips and tricks that will make the difference!
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Inspirational talks thought leaders and other remarkable professionals, topic based round tables, tips & tricks sessions etc.
During “Networking” events, one of the important parts is getting connected and sharing your ideas and visions with other professionals.
You can only participate when you received a personal invitation.
Live event
10 December, 2021
11:25 - 12:05 h
Taking "a good" picture to use on your social media - it's always a hassle, isn't it?
That's why we asked passionate photographer Christophe Cresens for help and tell us the little tips and tricks that will make the difference!
Only available for ADM members. Log in to watch the recording of the session.