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24 February, 2016
17:00 - 21:00 h

Clubhouse Aurelium

Groeningenlei 16
2550  Kontich

Public transport

Take the train to Kontich train station - Go to Bus Platform 1 outside the station - Take bus 92 direction:"Berchem Station Perron 3 [De Lijn]" - Exit at bus stop "Kontich Kerk" [De Lijn] (13 stops, +/- 15min) - Walk to Groeningenlei 16, 2550 Kontich.

De Lijn routeplanner

How to deal with the new requirements of the Privacy Regulation?

Discussing the new Privacy Regulation

What is the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)? How does it influence my organisation and how should we prepare? Our members gathered at Clubhouse Aurelium in Kontich to answer these, and other questions together.

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The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in the works for several years now. So, to start off this session, our Program Manager for the Legal track, David Lenaerts took the time to highlight the most important parts of the regulation and set the scene for the discussion rounds that followed. 

During the discussion rounds our members were given the opportunity to ask all their questions concerning the new Privacy Regulation. We invited experts to moderate these discussions in smaller groups and based on specific topics from the GDPR:

  • Privacy by Design - Privacy Impact Assessment – Peter Berghmans (Thomas More Hogeschool)
  • Data Breach Notification – Tine Carmeliet (Allen & Overy)
  • Managing service providers & International data transfers – Filip Van Elsen (Allen & Overy)
  • Data subject rights – right to be forgotten – right of data portability – Georgia Skouma (Deloitte)
  • Transparency & Consent – Chris Senior (Deloitte)
  • Privacy responsibilities - Data Protection Officer – David Lenaerts (Deloitte)

Relive the evening via Storify

[View the story "How to deal with the new requirements of the Privacy Regulation?" on Storify]

In the "Related" section of this page you will find

  • The full text of the GDPR
  • The presentations by Deloitte and Allen & Overy (after logging in to the website)
  • The conclusions from this session as written down by the facilitators of the evening

The pictures of the evning can be found in the "Pictures" section. 

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