24 February, 2014
18:00 - 21:30 h

Driving Innovation with good ideas: solutions that do the job

A fool with a tool is but a fool ...

Basically that was the final conclusion from the info session on innovation tools on 24th February.

A wide variety of tools are available, ranging from easy to use, fee to custom made, more elaborated and more expensive.  The choice of a tool (or not ..) however should be part of a plan, of the total innovation strategy and be in line with the company culture.

The BNP  Paribas Fortis case (see related blog by Valeria Balaro - available 11/3 ) made it very clear that everybody has to be involved at the right stage in order to be successful (stakeholder engagement, exactly as we learned in our previous session).

ADM members can download the different presentations after logging in to the website. 

It’s the place where ideas for smooth or disruptive innovation pop up and consequently need support in order to survive. Therefore new ideas should be linked, challenged, gain support (or not …), structured , get sponsors, etc. It’s a big but exciting challenge for every organization, whatever size or activity.

A good toolbox can do the job. A toolbox tailored to the goal, size of the organization, maturity, ... Does it exist? And what are the experiences of others in this field?

During this ADM Innovation info session we want to give some hints by exploring cases and sharing best practices and lessons learned.

It’s an excellent moment  for you to  share your experience, and question the people we invited to bring their testimonial, to learn and hopefully go home with new hope in your ideation journey.


18.00 – 18.30   Welcome coffee & registration

18.30 – 18.45    Welcome – Ronald Hermans, Programme Manager Innovation ADM

18.45 – 19.05   From idea to value – setting the scene (presentation in English)

Everybody is shouting: ”Innovation is important!”? In every company there are a lot of innovative ideas. But how to convert these into results. Mark De Colvenaer – Founding Partner The [Working Title]

19.05 – 19.25    Communities op maat van de klant (Presentation in Dutch)

There is no “one size fits all”. Innovation communities using tailor made tools have more prospect of success. . We present you examples of both successful and failed cases. Evert Martens – Managing Partner Brainspot

19.25 – 19.45    SPARK it up! (presentation in English)

The experience of BNP Paribas Fortis in activating collaborative innovation across Belgium.  Valeria Balaro   - Innovation Manager Corporate & Public Banking, BNP Paribas Fortis & Wim Soens - Managing Partner, CogniStreamer

19.45 – 20.15     Q&A / Discussion

20.15 – 21.30   Networking drink