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18 April, 2013
18:00 - 22:00 h

Albert Hall

Av. Eudore Pirmezlaan 9, 1040 Brussels

ADM Reception 2013

On invitation only

Positive thoughts for ADM’s 15th anniversary

In his own charismatic style, Herman Van Rompuy shed a light over the "what" and "how" of the recent financial crisis  .. to end with the hopeful conclusion that Europe is slowly recovering, thanks to our common European currency.
But money alone is not everything in one’s life, explained Peter Van Rompuy.  Individuals and companies should strive for a better balance between welfare and well-being. Happy people perform better ... and manage to work longer.
Closing the evening, ADM General Manager Ingrid Hoffman thanked the whole ADM team for their contribution to ADM’s success in the past 15 years: partners, board members, programme managers and in general everybody who ever attended an ADM event. ADM business – as business in general - is all about PEOPLE.

“Wie niet kan delen, zal nooit in staat zijn te vermenigvuldigen” – one of the opening statements by ADM Chairman Jan De Schepper was not only made clear in the different speeches of the evening, but it was clearly turned into reality during the vibrant networking buffet afterwards.


It has become a tradition to place a goodwill organisation in the spotlight at the occasion of our annual reception. This year we offered Mr. Van Rompuy a gift to pass along to YouBridge, an organisation that he and his wife are actively supporting. YouBridge supports students and entrepreneurs around the world by giving them laptops and access to the world wide web. The YouBridge platform enables students and donors from around the world to immediately connect  to and interact with each other.
More info : http://www.youbridge.org

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