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AE Agile2024 17b
AE Agile2024 46
AE Agile2024 10b
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28 May, 2024
18:15 - 21:00 h

  • Presentation: NL
  • Slides: EN
  • Q&A: NL EN FR

AE Leuven - Brightspace

Interleuvenlaan 74
3001   Leuven

Wiring the winning organization with an Agile approach

This event is open for everyone and free for ADM members.

About this session

Does your organization achieve its strategic goals? Yes, absolutely? No, not at all? Partially? In this session – a co-creation story by MEDIAGENIX and AE – we have an open conversation on how to make change happen (and stick) within your organization in a way it truly supports these goals.

“We need to get better at predicting when we’ll deliver new features to our customers”. This was the question initially raised to AE by MEDIAGENIX. Simply saying “Yes, we can help” would have been the easiest answer. Instead, the people at AE scratched their heads for a moment, and asked: “Why?”. A couple of times even. Ultimately, this set in motion an agile journey that laid the foundation for their project to product transformation. If you want to hear how we co-created a change that helped MEDIAGENIX and its people move towards shared strategic objectives, simply register now!

Here’s a quick taste of the questions you’ll see addressed in this interactive session:
• Why is it so important to ask & answer the “why change” not once, not twice but multiple times?
• How can an agile approach help to make change happen & stick?
• How to empower people & teams within the organization to co-create the new way of working?
• How to link personal objectives to company goals?
• How to prioritize & plan delivery of new features to customers at multiple levels within an organization?

This might be interesting

  • Download the presentation
  • Watch the recording of the session below


Veerle Verspille

Veerle Verspille, Organisational coach & experienced change & program management professional at MEDIAGENIX

Leen Hens

Leen Hens, Regional Operations Lead EMEA & APAC at MEDIAGENIX

Darek Krzywania

Darek Krzywania, Principal Consultant at AE; agile enthusiast & change coach

Frederik Wouters

Frederik Wouters, Principal Consultant at AE; change maker, business architect & agile coach

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