Whether you are networking in real life, or you are networking in Thola, both require some preparation. Here are five tips to improve your networking in Thola.
Inspirational talks thought leaders and other remarkable professionals, topic based round tables, tips & tricks sessions etc.
During “Networking” events, one of the important parts is getting connected and sharing your ideas and visions with other professionals.
You can only participate when you received a personal invitation.
Live event
27 November, 2020
11:25 - 12:05 h
- Presentation: NL
- Slides: EN
Get the most out of Thola

How others can find you
On a real event you have your badge and your business cards. In Thola, you have your avatar and your profile. Customize both to make sure all information about you is correct.
tip: Use the 'do not disturb' button on your profile if you are busy for a moment (You have a phone call, you want to grab a quick drink,...).
How to find others
- Hoover over avatars and find out who is in the room with you.
- Search for any attendee in the room through the search bar on top of the screen. You can search anything that is provided in their profile.
- Save contacts you would like to connect with at a later time.
Connect with each other
- Chat individually with someone, or even chat in a group of several people.
- You can start a call in the chat mode to further connect with each other.
- Meet now: use this to videocall with another attendee. Both of you can invite someone else to the call to make it a group call.
Gather information
- Sometimes you'll see a picture frame of someone in the room. Click on it to connect with that specific person.
- Look at the walls in the room. You'll find billboards with information and other items you can click on.
Gather even more information
- You start off in the lobby. If you see a door, click on it to enter the room. Each room might have it's on purpose and it's own information.
- Sometimes you'll see a stage. This is called a booth. Click on the different items on that booth to find out anything you want to know.
More about Thola and our session
If you want to know more about Thola and it's functionalities, you can:
- head over to the Thola website to discover more about the platform.
- connect with Wouter Janssens (you can do so with our compliments!).
- watch the recording of the session (make sure you are logged in).
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