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20 April, 2016
17:00 - 21:00 h

Business Faculty

Sint-Lendriksborre 6
1120  Brussel

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Content Marketing: the next hype or shortest way to success?

Leading your organization towards success with good Content Marketing.

Sales & Marketing have to go hand in hand in order to create a good Content Marketing Strategy for your organisation! That is one of the key learnings that our members took back from our Infosession "Content Marketing: The next hype or shortest way to success?"

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Our Program Manager and Twitter bird, Mic Adam, kicked off the session. Using Presenterswall he warmed up the participants to the subject of the session and prepared the stage for the next speakers.

Content Marketing is not a sprint!

First in line was Philippe Gosseye, Head of Marketing at EMC Western Europe,  took the time to tell us a bit more about “The Extraverted Nerd”. In his book he explains that good content should be created for key people in your organization and that they should be the ones to spread it throughout their network. Important to remember is that a good content marketing strategy is spread out over a long period of time. It's a marathon, not a sprint!

Frederik De Schrijver was the second one to take the stage. He took us on a trip inside the world Xerius. During his presentation the Inbound sales & marketing manager to teach us how they have successfully invested in different techniques to improve their content marketing. In turn this affected how their marketing and sales division works (together) to make Xerius into the successful company it is today.

When Frank Van den Bossche took the helm at Quadrant Communications six years ago, he had an ambitious plan to help the company grow. And with great success! While content marketing was not the main focus/tool to help realize this growth it certainly helped to achieve its goals. In their bible “Lead generation met contentmarketing” (free download!) you can learn more about how that Marketing Strategy can help your organization grow!

Relive the evening via Storify

[View the story "Content Marketing: the next hype or shortest way to success?" on Storify]

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