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14 February, 2012
18:00 - 21:00 h

Business Faculty

St. Lendriksborre 6 Font Saint Landry 1120 Brussel (Neder-Over-Heembeek)

Sabine Everaet - CIO of the Year

Sabine Everaet: Happiness drives success

During our DAM Foyer on 15 February, Sabine Everaet showed why Data News recently declared her CIO of the Year.

Constantly striving for a genuine and close collaboration between IT and the business is, for her, the key to success. Openness, collaboration, flexibility and trust play an important part here. In addition, IT – as an internal provider of the business – should not be afraid to use the same marketing techniques as the business uses for its own end customers. Data News’ description of Sabine – having “boundless energy”, “passion” and “high standards” was clearly spot on: everyone in the packed hall listened attentively for an hour to her presentation.

The initiators of the new ADM track “nextGen” wanted to hear from Sabine how she – as a woman, wife and mother – looks back on her career so far. Her answer was very clear: hard work, go for it and, above all, be aware that “happiness leads to success” and not the other way around.

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