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25 October, 2016
18:30 - 22:00 h

PXS lounge

Stroobantsstraat 51
1140  Evere

Connect with Dominique Leroy

How to drive transformation in a fast changing world!

"A company that doesn't grow doesn't have a future" was one of the quotes used by Dominique Leroy to start off her presentation at the Proximus Lounge in Evere. Over 100 of our members gathered to learn more on how the CEO of Proximus has lead the company through an immense transformation!

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The session was kicked off by our chairman at ADM, Jan De Schepper. Using examples of other great leaders and linking it to sports related anecdotes he introduced Dominique Leroy and the of leader she is within Proximus.

But of course our ADM members were not left wanting long and soon Jan de Schepper made way for our main speaker Dominique Leroy. A lot has changed at Proximus since she took the helm of telecomprovider back in 2014. Our members were given an exclusive insight into how much Dominique has accomplished since she became CEO.

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One of the main takebacks during the presentation was: "At Proximus, people make the difference." That’s why the company created a “growth” mindset and welcomed diversity. Proximus started its Good to Gold (excellent leadership) journey in 2014 through which the company further developed people by putting focus on talent management, personal development and internal mobility. Dominique Leroy will explain her personal vision on leadership and how this vision leads to the transformation of a big company in a very competing environment. 

To round up the presentation, Dominique Leroy left us with a few important tips & tricks for whoever wants to be a good leader and succesfully accomplish a transformation in his/her organisation:


Relive the session

If you would like to learn more on the presentation "Driving transformation in a fast Changing world" by Dominique Leroy, be sure to head over to the Related tab (top of this page) where you can download the whole document (for members only after login!).

Feel free to take a look at all the pictures that were taken during the session. You can find them on the Pictures tab (top of this page) 

Thanks to your tweets, #admbe was once again the number 1 trending topic in Belgium! Our Social Media Manager, Mic Adam, compîled them for you in this handy Storify

[View the story "Driving transformation in a fast changing world" on Storify]

Relive the evening with this short videoreport by Quadrant Communications with reactions from both Dominique Leroy and several participants. 

Sign in to view the video.

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